Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Which Is More Important Education or Money free essay sample

Money in today’s world is that gem which can get one to their salvation but the greed that it brings upon one is vary dangerous. To use money in the wisest way would be the greatest deed. Education on the other hand, provides moral knowledge to people, which help them to learn from their past and act well in the present and future. It helps them control the greed and abstains them from trampling. But nothing in this immoral world is free, like wise even education always come at a cost. The better education one wants to receive the costlier it gets. Money is much more important than education in today’s world because education itself requires a lot of money and without money receiving education would be impossible. One can be educated but without proper jobs and earnings, she can still starve to death; but if she has money then she always has a place on this earth. We will write a custom essay sample on Which Is More Important Education or Money? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The basic need of life, i. e. food, is as close as impossible to obtain without money. Famine through poverty is likely to be face without money. The other basic needs, shelter and clothing is more impossible to have without money. Much money is spent on research and other scientific programs where money plays the key role. Only those rich countries, which can afford these facilities, get the best research centers where as the third world countries, no matter how intelligent people it has, it still thrives to provide basic education to its people. Who said money cannot buy happiness? In this generation a person with a master’s degree can be riding rickshaw for their livelihood where as a person without good education is a billionaire. To compare them it is obvious to be noticed that the billionaire is having much more happier luxurious life where as the rickshaw person sweating all day just to provide enough food for himself and his family. Rich people always get the best of everything, not the most educated. For example if a well-educated doctor is suffering through piles, he has the potential of being completely cured, but due to lack of money his treatment will be unfeasible and this may even lead to his death. If the same person was rich he could hire best of the best doctors for his treatment and could be completely cured. Education is one of the important factors of life too. It enhances our daily lifestyle and makes our living easier. The advancement in the technology and the invention of new gadgets are all-possible through good knowledge, i. e. education. Good knowledge will always help one find the better path in life. It will help differentiate between the virtues and deprave. But no matter how much the thrust of education is upon one, if they are given a poor financial condition, they can never receive good education. Today’s world revolves around money. Money can get you the best education, the best health care and the best mansion one ever longed for. If there is money they can fly to every country they want, they can do what ever they want. The richest always get the first priority in the world. Money provides the independence in an individual, which no other source can. Being free of financial depts. will lead to the individuality. Money is that quintessential thing without which living is left incomplete and ruthless.

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