Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Negative Effects Of Internet Monitoring - 1635 Words

Internet Monitoring Weapons, Secrets, and Music, all of which are obtainable over the internet. All of which can have a dramatic effect on our society. Even though we have the 1st Amendment and gives us the right to free speech in the United States, it was drafted before the internet. The internet has become a gold mine of information, not to mention, anyone can make purchases over the internet from other countries. What about National Security? Many groups have committed all sorts of cyber-attacks on government computers from over the web. With this availability, the internet needs to be monitored for everyone’s safety. The internet is being used by many types of traffickers. First, human traffickers have figured out ways to use the†¦show more content†¦In addition, a website may be hosted in Sweden, but the drug will come from Latin America and will be shipped by boat to South Africa, with dealers spread out across Europe, he said. It s a global network. States Th e worldwide policing organization’s Daniel Altmeyer. Furthermore, he also said while there are no statistics available for people buying drugs online, sales have rocketed, in the past few years. (11 Sep 2008 the telegraph Group). It was also mentioned that many people who may have purchased such items over the internet may have felt they were not doing anything wrong since they were obtained so easily. Internet Arms Trafficking has become more popular for obtaining illegal parts such as, conversion kits to make semi auto to make them full auto, along with illegal weapons like pipe bombs and silencers. With these items on the streets and possibly in the hands of would be wrong doers like that of gangs, drug dealers, or even domestic terrorist or for that matter even international terrorist who may come here and have these items shipped over. ATF experts estimated that hundreds of illegal weapons have been sent to the United States.† In 2002 confidential sources informe d the ATF about an Argentinean suspect selling machine guns long with other illegal items over the internet, in which the agency quickly established e-mail contact with the person and ordered these items which was disguised as machine gun parts. This tip lead to aShow MoreRelatedMonitoring and Survellaince of Employees642 Words   |  3 PagesMonitoring and survellaince of employees Pro One of the key benefits of monitoring employee computer activity is maximising workplace productivity. In today’s society, most workers spend the majority of their time on their computers and on the Internet. 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