Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Financial Statement Analysis Australian Vintage Ltd

FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS ANALYSIS OF PREPARED BY: MALIK JAMSHAIN ANJUM STUDENT ID: 151MAM5012 TABLE OF CONENTS: †¢ INTRODUCTION. COMPANY PROFILE †¢ SWOT ANALYSIS. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL †¢ FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: RATIO ANALYSIS 1. PROFITABILITY 2. LIQUIDITY 3. EQUITY 4. VALUATION 5. COMPANY PROFILE: AUSTRALIAN VINTAGE LTD details Winemaking, wine marketing and vineyard management Issuer code AVG Official listing date 26/03/1992 GICS industry group Food, Beverage Tobacco Exempt foreign? No Internet address Registered office address 275 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, COWANDILLA, SA, AUSTRALIA, 5033 Head office telephone 08 8172 8333 Head office fax 08 8172 8399 Share registry COMPUTERSHARE INVESTOR SERVICES PTY LIMITED LEVEL 5, 115 GRENFELL STREET, ADELAIDE, SA, AUSTRALIA, 5000 Share registry telephone 1300 787 272 Directors/Senior management: Mr Ian D Ferrier Chairman, Director Mr Neil McGuigan CEO, Executive Director Mr Richard Davis Director Mr Perry R Gunner Director Mr Brian J McGuigan Director Mr Mike Noack CFO Company secretary: Mr Mike Noack Company Secretary Australian Vintage Limited is a leading Australian wine company. Championing a fully-integrated wine business model, the breadth of our capabilities extends to vineyards, boutique and bulk wine production, packaging, marketing and distribution. As one of the largest vineyard owners and managers in Australia, Australian VintageShow MoreRelatedAnnual Report Fosters Beer64959 Words   |  260 PagesANNUAL REPORT 2011 Foster’s has unveiled a new brand identity For its iconic australian beer business We’re united by the bond only a beer can create and a belief that if a whole lot more people raised a beer in friendship, the world would be a better place. 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