Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Confucianism Religion, Religions, Ideologies, And...

Over the course of history many beliefs, religions, ideologies and philosophies have risen and declined thorough out humanity. These religions have their origins, a set of beliefs, a follower-ship, religious or important texts, a spread of the religion, views on women, dietary habits, holidays and like any thing else it has critiques. These are all important aspect when talking about a religion. Religions describe societies and set moral standard of those people who choose to follow said religion. These religions are a good historical insight into the minds of the ancient people whom crafted these religions and follow them. There is many misconceptions of any religion which can create a bias against learning about the religion. By doing†¦show more content†¦As China expanded as well as trade the religion was naturally talked about with rulers and people alike converting. Territories close to China adopted Confucianism mainly through interaction like trade and local rivalries . The spread of Confucianism much less rapid in modern times but however a large people converted in the Nineteen thirties into the late Nineteen forties as Imperial Japan invaded islands on the pacific and mainland countries as well. With their conquest they heard about Confucian ideology and would bring these ideologies back home to mainland Japan, where some Japanese converted to Confucianism. Confucianism originated in Ancient China. It was devised by Confucius (A.K.A Kongzi) an ancient Chinese Philosopher born in 551 BC. His father was a military officer and died when Confucius was just 3 years old and was raised primarily by his Mother. He was married at 19 and had a kid, his second one was believed to have died in labor. He would collect the history of ancient china and write it down in what is called the Analects, which is where much of our knowledge of ancient china comes from. His teachings were based on the belief that humans behave ethically and had a seed of virtue. 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