Monday, December 30, 2019

Term Papers on Indefinite Imprisonment of Prisoners and Suspected Terrorists

Introduction When criminals and terrorists are captured in United States, there has been a tendency of keeping them in prison indefinitely without trial. This has also been the same thing done to suspected terrorists and criminal offenders. According to the law and the legal procedures, it is required that a person arrested for any kind of offense or suspected of terrorism involvements should be taken to court where he or she tried for the offenses and atrocities committed, or believed to have committed (Foley 23). The judicial process and justice should be followed because someone is still innocent, according to the law, unless he has been proven to be guilty in accordance with the same law. In this paper I argue that the U.S. government should not keep such suspected terrorists and prisoners without trial. This is because the procedure violates American principles of justice and legal process. Indefinite Imprisonment of Prisoners and Suspected Terrorists Over the past years, the indefinite detention and torture of suspected terrorists by the U.S. Government has indefinitely been detaining hundreds of suspected terrorists in prisons like Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in some other foreign countries. This indefinite detainment without charging or trying them in court is something that has been ongoing, and the time has come for it to be abolished indefinitely. Over the years, some of these detainees have been complained of hardship and prolonged torture by U.S. personnel in charge of these facility. Although this has been happening over the years, the U.S. government has admitted that many of these prisoners and suspects are usually innocent, but must be detained nevertheless (Martin 54). However, it should be noted that it is unconstitutional both internationally and local to detain a person without trial. A person should be proven by a court of law to be responsible or a given offense, or involvement in criminal activities without presen ting enough and provable evidence. However, the good news is that some recent court rulings have called for review and change of this policy following the Geneva Convention which prohibits the detainment of criminal and suspected terrorists without trial (Martin 75). This has become a signatory in the United States of America. The new Obama Administration is keen to come up with new proposals and policies to close the Cuba prison. The good signs have been noted after the Government has freed some of the innocent detainees in Cuba and other international prisons. According to me, detaining a person without trial or charges is totally unconstitutional. Towards liberty in this country, there is the need to effectively review this policy and observe some the quality issues that have been raised all along. Any kind of detention, whether indefinite or for some time period, and without imposing charge or holding trial is something that violates the effectiveness and essence of the United States’ legal due process and the commonly held rule of law. The other disappointing thing is that there has been disturbing meetings and reports that the Obama Administration has been considering to continue or expand this ‘indefinite detention’ procedural policies put in place by the Bush administration (Martin 83). Under such policy and regime, individuals who have not committed a single crime, and for whom the entire government does not have reliable evidence about the person’s criminal conduct, might end up being imprisoned indefinit ely and most certain for their whole lives without trial and charge. Any legal system of detention indefinitely without trial for the suspected criminals and terrorists is something that is unwise, unnecessary, and totally unconstitutional. In real sense, all individuals posing as genuine criminals and capable of causing danger to the country, or any other country for that matter, might be prosecuted in the country’s criminal courts and supreme court under the existing country’s laws (Downing 26). Any statute seen to purport or authorize this long-term kind of detention of prisoners and suspected terrorists on the perceived dangerousness of the future is wrong as it does not think and analyze the past criminal conduct and offenses of the person. This is therefore something that needs to be invalidated by the federal courts of the country. As well, any system of law or legal process that detains an individual, no matter what he or she has been suspected of, without any judgment and trial for the offense should be seen as illegitimate and unconstitutional (Downing 59). The illegitimate and continued regime of detention in Guantà ¡namo detention has widely damaged the country’s legal credibility and fails to observe the legal aspects and Constitutional process. The other thing is that the notation that there exists a high-rate and significant group of terrorism suspects capable of harming the country’s security and damaging the future peace, and who should be detained without prosecution is totally groundless (Foley 78). The reason for this is because there are very many people out there who are innocent despite having family and societal ties with criminal offenders and terrorists. It is also necessary to note that criminal courts and the federal courts and prisons in the country can also play a major role in dealing with any international cases of crime and terrorism. Conclusion In conclusion, the U.S. government should stop keeping such prisoners and suspected terrorists indefinitely without trial. This is so because it violates the American principles of due process and justice system (Downing 67). Therefore I am totally against this indefinite detention. There should be no one who should be detained indefinitely without being tried or charged based on a person’s belief and opinion that such an individual is ‘extremely dangerous’ to the country. Any kind of evidence obtained through coercion should never be used to base a reliable reason for detention. This way justice will be served to all people and also ensure everything has been done on a constitutional manner. Works Cited Martin, Gus. Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues. New York: New Press, 2009. Downing, David. The Debate about Terrorist Tactics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Foley, Michael. American credo: the place of ideas in US politics. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2007.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Frankenstein Or The Modern Prometheus

Knowledge in the Beginning o Myth of Prometheus †¢ Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is the complete title of Mary Shelley’s flamboyant monster novel, which includes an allusion to Prometheus. Her referral to Prometheus is not only about how he was the Titan punished by Zeus because he stole fire from the gods and presented it to mankind; it is also more focused on how he was titan and mythical being who created mankind and was not able to control his own creation. †¢ Prometheus is claimed by others to be one of the wisest if not the wisest Titan. When he brought fire to mankind, he transported knowledge and illumination to mankind. For going against the gods, he was harshly punished. Prometheus was chained to a rock and his punishment was that his liver had to be eaten out every day by an eagle. Every night his liver would grow back and every day an eagle would devour it. His punishment was to last an eternity. o Connection with the Modern Prometheus (Frankenstein) †¢ Marry Shelley was clearly influenced by the tale of Prometheus as she implemented the Titan’s name for part of her title. †¢ Shelley also adopted the concept of a certain consequence from the result of seeking power and knowledge. The novel illustrates this in how Victor was tortured throughout the story after he created the monster. As Prometheus was tortured for a consequence, so was Victor. At the end of the novel, Victor proclaimed that his curiosity caused all his misfortunes and sufferings. PastShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus 1567 Words   |  7 PagesVictor’s Foolishness: Using Science to Learn Natures Secrets â€Å"I have always described myself as always having been imbued with a fevering longing to penetrate the secrets of science† Victor Frankenstein (Shelley, pg34). 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ADD INTROOOO In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein there is a strong factor of Psychoanalytic Criticism, specifically the Oedipus Complex. The Oedipus Complex is derived from a child s need for their parents attention, as they mature they realize they are not the absolute focus of their [parent s] attention (Brizee 1995). In the child s mindRead MoreVictor Frankenstein Character Analysis Essay1645 Words   |  7 PagesMs. Straatsma ENG4U0-A Ryan Makhanlall ISU Reading Analysis Questions/Notes – Frankenstein by: Mary Shelley Character Analysis: Give your ideas about the main characters(s). Include what you like and dislike about the characters and why they deserve praise or criticism. Does the author intend for you to like/dislike them? How do you know? Victor Frankenstein: Victor Frankenstein, is the protagonist who describes his life to Robert Walton. In my opinion, Victor shows his ambition, logic and intelligenceRead More`` Moral Machines `` By Robert J. 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We mix imagination with reality to create this monsters that scare us. Yet we can’t seem to get enough of monster’s stories. Comparing Prometheus and Frankenstein both written in two

Friday, December 13, 2019

Difference Between The Two States Of The Community Surrounding Education Free Essays

Facilitating and increasing possibilities in education remains to be a focal concern among states as it serves as an instrument for development and growth. This is why many states spend a large amount of income and resources for enhancing education to meet the demands of the population in general and the current trends in today’s society. Though there may be similarities in the overall objective, governments apply different e and varied strategies to make such effort a possibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Difference Between The Two States Of The Community Surrounding Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now This can be seen if the educational system of the United States and Saudi Arabia be compared accordingly. Upon close observation, one can see there are striking similarities and differences between the two. They are similar â€Å"in terms of government spending on education, freedom to choose the school where they will attend to, and education for people with special needs, while differ in terms of attitude towards education, literacy rate, religion in school, gender roles, grading scales, and stages of education† (Stevenson, 2008, p. 1). One major difference between the two states revolves around the attitudes and views of the community surrounding education. Compared to the United States wherein students are expected to attend class in a mandatory manner, Saudi Arabia does not impose such standards on students and remains to be open on individuals who seek to learn (Stalinsky, 2008). This in turn makes the system in United States strict and accountable towards creating educational policies. Another major difference is the statistics and numbers present as far as literacy rate is concerned. The United States educational system boasts of a 99% literacy rate for both men and women and continuously seeks new methods and mechanisms to solidify growth. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia fairs relatively lower than its counterpart and only provide 84. 7% for men and 70. 8% for women (Stevenson, 2008, p. 1). This is why the country is resolved towards establishing numerous frameworks to help alleviate the increasing number of illiterate in the region. Curriculum content and facilitation is another difference between Saudi Arabia and American education. America offers its curriculum in a diversified manner and caters to different areas such as Physical and Social Sciences. Contrary to this, teaching Islam has been the focal point of Saudi Arabia’s educational system. It derives from the Sharia (Islamic Law) and the Quran as the basis for teaching (Ministry of Education, 2004). Equally men who have been trained under this can provide â€Å"religious secondary education with focus primarily on Islamic and Arabic Studies† (Stevenson, 2008, p. 3). Lastly, the scope of education is also another component that differentiates between the two states. In the United States, the curriculum is equally administered and facilitated both males and females. On the other hand, for Saudi Arabia, â€Å"education is divided into three separately administered systems: general education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education for boys† (Stevenson, 2008, p. 3). Though there has been a move within the government to expand the scope of instruction for women, this practice continues to be prevalent in Saudi Arabia’s society. To conclude, though both the United States and Saudi Arabia are committed towards creating available education for everyone, they have different ways of applying such principle. These differences can be rooted to various cultural beliefs and practices that continue to shape how people think in two states. In the end, despite these differences, it can be argued that each one is committed in providing the necessary avenues to increase proficiency and develop schemes to make its citizens competent and ready to address the challenges of the 21st century. How to cite Difference Between The Two States Of The Community Surrounding Education, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Western Governors University free essay sample

The City of Atlanta is located in the heart of Georgia. It has a rich in history and is the â€Å"cultural center for the Atlanta Metropolitan Area)† (Wikipedia, 2013). The City of Atlanta has the highest population in the state of Georgia Community Description and Interpretation of Data. The City of Atlanta is located within two counties, Fulton and Dekalb. The Metropolitan Atlanta Area is comprised of over 28 counties including; Cobb County to the northwest, Gwinnett County to the northeast, Dekalb County to the west, Douglas County in the east and Henry, Clayton and Fayette Counties to the South. Atlanta, located at in the piedmont area of the Appalachia Mountains, is 134 square miles in area (Atlanta Regional Commission, 2013). The climate in Atlanta is humid sub-tropical, with mild winters and hot and very humid summers (Wikipedia, 2013). Temperatures in 2012 ranged from an average monthly high in July of 94 degrees to average monthly low in January of 39 degrees. We will write a custom essay sample on Western Governors University or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The average annual rainfall in Atlanta is 49. 7 inches (National Weather Service Forecast Office, 2012). The air quality in Atlanta â€Å"does not meet the federal standards for ozone and fine particulate matter† (Atlanta Regional Commission, 2013). The City of Atlanta drinking water has won national awards. In its 2009 Water Quality Report (City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management, 2009) was reported to have met all parameters for microbial, inorganic and organic contaminants. The City of Atlanta’s population in 2010 was 420,003 people and ranks 43rd in size amongst U. S incorporated cities (Atlanta Regional Commission, 2013). There are approximately 49. 8% males and 50. 2% females the city. Atlanta’s population is comprised 54% of black or African-American race, 36% white, 5% Hispanic, 3% Asian, and 2% some other race (Atlanta Regional Commission, 2013). There are approximately 3,134 people per square mile in Atlanta with a median age of 33 years old, close to the median age for the state of Georgia at 35 years old (United States Census Bureau, 2013). For males and females over the age of 15, 53% are not married and 47% are married. The estimated mean household income in 2010 was $80,685 which was approximately 19% higher than the state of Georgia (United States Census Bureau, 2013). 76. 9% of people over the age of 25 in Atlanta have completed High School. 34. 6% have a Bachelor’s degree or higher and13. 8% have graduate degrees or higher. The mean commute time to work is 28. 3 minutes. There are a high number of universities in this area including Georgia State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University, Morehouse College, Spelman College, and many others. In August 2012, the unemployment was 11. 5% and was higher the state’s rate of 9. 1% (city-data. com, 2012). While difficult to estimate due to the transient nature, there are over approximately 13,000 homeless people in Atlanta (Atlanta Children’s Shelter, 2011). According to the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce (2013), Atlanta has the fourth most Fortune 500 headquarters. With Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, the busiest airport in the U. S. , located to the south of the city, it’s not unusual that the top employer in the city is Delta Airlines with 27,000 employees. Other large employers in Atlanta include Wal-Mart Stores Inc. with 26,000 employees, Emory University and Healthcare System with 23,872 employees, the DeKalb County Government and School System with 20,405 and ATamp;T with 18,000 employees (Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 2013). â€Å"Atlanta is the poorest city in the U. S. for children living below poverty level (Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless, 2007). † The U. S. Census (2013) estimates that in 2010, 20. 5% of households in Atlanta live below $15,000 annually. Approximately 14. % of households obtained food stamps in the past 12 months (United States Census Bureau, 2013). Fifty-nine percent of Atlantans are â€Å"affiliated with a religious congregation. † This is above the national average of 50%. Of the 59%, 17% are Southern Baptists, 16% are Methodists, 15% are Catholics, 14% are Jewish, 7% are independent, 6% are Presbyterian, and others religious affiliations are 26% (city-data. com, 2013). The crim e rate index in Atlanta was highest in the last 12 years during 1999. The crime rate index in 1999 was approximately 73. 3% higher than the national average. Since then the crime rate index has a decreasing trend with a slight spike during 2007 and 2008, and another spike during 2011. The lowest crime rate index occurred in 2010. The crime rate index in 2011 was 23% higher than the previous year. The 2011 crime rate index in Atlanta was 55% greater than the National average. Of the 36,362 crimes that occurred in 2011, 0. 2% were murders, 0. 4% were rapes, 6. 4% were robberies, 9. 7% were assaults, 20. 6% were burglaries, 47. 5% were thefts, 14. 8% were auto thefts, and 0. 3% were arsons (city-data. com, 2013). Unemployment in Atlanta seemed to mostly decrease throughout the 90’s to a low of 3% in 1999. During the 2000-2010 unemployment increased to 10. 1%. 2012 unemployment was 8. 8 which is higher than the National rate of 8. 0. â€Å"Atlanta is a regional as well as national leader in the field of healthcare, the Atlanta metropolitan area is home to more than 50 hospitals supporting 40,000 medical personnel and more than 10,000 beds. Twelve Hospitals are located in the city proper (city-data. com, 2013). † Atlanta is also home the Centers of Disease Control and the Southeastern US Public Health Department. Overall, Atlanta is a relatively non-healthy community. Due to its location there is a large potential for natural disaster especially flooding. There is access to a great range of emergency response but implementation of response plans are not widely communicated. Education for the residents is lacking and should be provided. The crime rate is very high relative to other cities of its size. With a large amount of commuters and proximity to interstate highways and railroads, Atlanta has a potential for toxic exposures and spills. Community outreach programs are not reaching the homeless and those affected, planning should be implemented to target this group. A greater amount of transportation and environmental planning is needed to address air quality violations. Overall, Atlanta is a relatively non-healthy community. Due to its location there is a large potential for natural disaster especially flooding. There is access to a great range of emergency response but implementation of response plans are not widely communicated. Education for the residents is lacking and should be provided. The crime rate is very high relative to other cities of its size. With a large amount of commuters and proximity to interstate highways and railroads, Atlanta has a potential for toxic exposures and spills. Community outreach programs are not reaching the homeless and those affected, planning should be implemented to target this group. A greater amount of transportation and environmental planning is needed to address air quality violations.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Characters in Twilight in Delhi Essay Example

Characters in Twilight in Delhi Paper ‘Twilight in Delhi’ is by far there most popular of all Ahmad Ali’s works and is also considered to be his English novel. What renders the novel so high status among his literary works, and even perhaps one of the best in Asia, is not only the depiction of the culture of Delhi and the life over there but also the exhilarating command of the novelist in presenting the living characters on the pages. No doubt the characters we meet are full of flesh and blood, having qualities of head and heart; likings and disliking; Excellencies and deficiencies, thus we never doubt on their very existence. His characters come before our eyes as human beings facing conflicts, both within and without, and therefore leave an everlasting impression on our minds. In short, his approach as a novelist is purely that of a traditionalist, regardless of modern approach, and fully involved in the society that he is depicting. Most of the characters in the novel are descriptive as the author doesn’t let them speak about themselves; rather he himself describes the physical traits, habits and even the background of the characters, and fully involves the readers in the description so that he can get to a particular conclusion about those characters. He has introduced so very simple but some very intricate characters that the reader is lost at analyzing them in depth. They may not look mere type characters as we generally find in literature, but with their typical Muslim back ground and culture, they are close to type character, though some of them are perfectly individualized. Even the type characters don’t look alien in their habits or disposition. In the novel, we don’t even find the minor characters described in a single vein, rather they come before us as natural as they can in any society. We will write a custom essay sample on Characters in Twilight in Delhi specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Characters in Twilight in Delhi specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Characters in Twilight in Delhi specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When we observe the characters minutely, we see that some of them undergo a great emotional and mental change and face many ups and downs during the course of th

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Mind And Body

The Mind-Body Issue The mind/body issue in philosophy asks many questions. At first, what are these things, these substances, that we call ‘mind’ and ‘body’? What are their individual natures? Are they the same thing? Or are they fundamentally different things? And if they are different, how do they interact? Do they interact? And if they interact, for what purpose do they interact? Such questions have plagued philosophy since at least Plato, leading some to privilege mind over matter, and leading others to believe that all that exists is mind idealism, and still others to argue that all that exists are bodies or physical matter materialism. In idealism and materialism, there would seem to be a similar impulse to make the mind/body problem go away. But true theories of mind and body do not attempt to rid one side of the equation, either mind or body, but rather attempt to account for both sides in a coherent theory. Still, as noted, many philosophies and religions attempt to answer the question of mind and body by simply subordinating one side to the other. For example, it would seem that many, but not all religions privilege the mind over the body, perhaps given its apparent nature as an immaterial substance, like God, or our spiritual selves; the body, for its part, has come to be seen as little more than a lowly, transitive, and sinful substance-a very narrow view, I hold. The problem is that we degrade our bodies, and such degradation has ancient roots. In a general sense, the wedge between mind and body can be traced as far back as Plato, and to the sharp distinctions that he drew between the immaterial or eternal parts of ourselves and the decidedly lesser substance that is manifest in bodies or physical matter. Mind, in Plato, connects to the lofty or higher parts of ourselves, and is associated with Knowledge, Truth, Morality, and ultimately the Soul; and through the mind we have access to the eterna... Free Essays on Mind And Body Free Essays on Mind And Body Mind – body dualism is defined as the mind and the body being separate but connected. Meaning the body is complex and made up of a bunch of different parts. The mind is private and is full of emotions and feelings. In the essay called â€Å"Lived Body†, by Drew Leder, he says that one of the consequences of Cartesian dualism is our understanding of our bodies as more dead than alive. By this he means that we see and examine the body as if the person were dead. â€Å"†¦the living patient is often treated in a cadaverous or machine-like fashion† (page 121). When a person goes to see a doctor for a medical reason, the physical examination is similar to when a pathologist does an autopsy. â€Å"The patient is asked to assume a corpse-like pose, flat, passive, naked, mute† (page 121). Throughout the physical exam, the patient rarely talks because the physician is concentrating on listening for possible heart complications, problems with the lungs or feelin g for abnormalities in the stomach. Leder suggests that the doctors treat the patients as machines. â€Å"Even when called upon to act or respond, it is largely in the machine-mode; the knee is tapped to provoke reflexes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (page 121). â€Å"At the core of modern medical practice is the Cartesian revelation: the living body can be treated as essentially no different from a machine† (page 121). Leder thinks that this belief will have consequences. Leder says â€Å"the machine-model of the body has given rise not only to therapeutic triumphs but to limitations and distortions in medical practice. For example, it is by now a clichà © that modern medicine often neglects the import of psychosocial factors in the etiology and treatment of disease† (page 121). Meaning that it is almost expected that doctors neglect certain conditions. Not because it is the correct way to make a diagnosis or that those little details do not matter. Disregard of those details is expected because doctors see patients... Free Essays on Mind And Body The Mind-Body Issue The mind/body issue in philosophy asks many questions. At first, what are these things, these substances, that we call ‘mind’ and ‘body’? What are their individual natures? Are they the same thing? Or are they fundamentally different things? And if they are different, how do they interact? Do they interact? And if they interact, for what purpose do they interact? Such questions have plagued philosophy since at least Plato, leading some to privilege mind over matter, and leading others to believe that all that exists is mind idealism, and still others to argue that all that exists are bodies or physical matter materialism. In idealism and materialism, there would seem to be a similar impulse to make the mind/body problem go away. But true theories of mind and body do not attempt to rid one side of the equation, either mind or body, but rather attempt to account for both sides in a coherent theory. Still, as noted, many philosophies and religions attempt to answer the question of mind and body by simply subordinating one side to the other. For example, it would seem that many, but not all religions privilege the mind over the body, perhaps given its apparent nature as an immaterial substance, like God, or our spiritual selves; the body, for its part, has come to be seen as little more than a lowly, transitive, and sinful substance-a very narrow view, I hold. The problem is that we degrade our bodies, and such degradation has ancient roots. In a general sense, the wedge between mind and body can be traced as far back as Plato, and to the sharp distinctions that he drew between the immaterial or eternal parts of ourselves and the decidedly lesser substance that is manifest in bodies or physical matter. Mind, in Plato, connects to the lofty or higher parts of ourselves, and is associated with Knowledge, Truth, Morality, and ultimately the Soul; and through the mind we have access to the eterna...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Strategic human resource management - Essay Example Huge amount of change also leads to uncertainty in the mind of its employees. Another problem that might arise is the resistance to change from the current situation to the new. With the informal means of communication being replaced by more formal communications, it is possible that the efficiency of the employees might decrease who have been used to communicate in a particular way. In addition, the inclusion of new product lines lead to a requirement of new skills. These skills can be obtained either through training and development of the current employees or through recruitment from outside, both of which will lead to increased costs. Steps to develop an effective HR Plan The company is going to undertake a large number of changes in the near future and it is important that an effective HR plan is defined to manage this change. In order for the plan to be successful, it is important that the organization involves all the related stakeholders. There are four major areas where the organization needs to work: Leadership alignment and stakeholder engagement, Training & education, Communication & branding and Organization redesign. The diagram on the next page shows the various activities that shall be done along with the project: Figure 1: The change management plan for Natural Knibbles Role of the HR plan in achieving its new strategic objectives The HR plan developed above will enable Natural Knibbles to achieve its strategic objectives. With the leadership alignment, the key executives will be well prepared to lead the change and cascade initiatives within the organization. All other employees will be kept involved in the change process through stakeholder engagement. Training and education throughout the change process will educate the employees on their new roles, responsibilities, the benefits of the change being undertaken and the usage of various tools that might be required after the implementation of change. It is also important that proper informatio n passes to all the relevant stakeholders of the process. Proper communication and branding will enable the management of the organization to inform the employees of how the change being implemented helps the organization achieve its mission, vision and goals. Communication is also necessary once the change has been implemented to ensure proper feedback from the employees. With the introduction of new product lines, the organizational structure needs to be redefined with new roles, responsibilities and hierarchies. It is necessary that the employees are communicated about the same clearly. The organization is envisaging large change in the way it operates and it is necessary that they implement this HR plan to make it successful. Data to be included in HRIMS and its advantages An HRIMS is intended to manage employee data in an electronic format. The organization will like to store employee information like personal details (family details, dependent details, date or birth etc.), pro fessional details (competencies, qualifications, previous employment details etc.) and payroll related data (bank account no. earnings and deduction details, tax details etc.). Implementation of HRIMS at Natural Knibbles will allow the organization to keep all its employee data at one consolidate location thereby reducing data inconsistency and receptiveness. HRIMS will also allow the organization to reduce the paperwork and the related administrative effort that is required for the same. Storing personal details will

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Influence of EU Policies on the ROCKWOOL Group Essay

The Influence of EU Policies on the ROCKWOOL Group - Essay Example The company has a long standing generational production through manufacture of stone wool insulation products. The stone wool is a product that is used to enhance the life of people both in homes and offices by alleviating most of the problems associated with the environment. Some of the problems alleviated are greenhouse effect, smog and acid rain in the air. Other products and areas of specialization include ship building, petrochemicals as well as horticulture. Rockwool group was founded in 1909 and to date, has factories in over 20 countries in 3 continents all over the world. With an employee population of over 8,000, the company has regional networking groups that cover European sub-region of the Benelux countries. In 2009, the company, a large scale corporation realized a revenue high of $ 2.7 billion. It is therefore a company that operates on the basis of economy is of large scale production and distribution. It should be noted that though the country operates in three conti nents only, its products are universally used. The structure of the company is based on a very high level of computerized systems that creates a very easy performance criterion across areas of operation. The company has in the recent past harnessed use of a better control of its infrastructure in which case there is a high level of computerized technology that keeps all the company operations all over the world as a worldwide centre of operations. ... The organizational structure of the company is based on the international company act sequences in which case there is a high level of dependence on the articles and memo of association. The company management on an internal scale is based on group management where there is a chief executive as well as a board of directors. There is also an established audit committee that authenticates the running of all the internal and external issues on finance in the company (Rockwool, 2009, p. 21). With all these, the company benefits from the general performance of all the activities that is relevant in integrating all the branches of the company for a worthy cause. How Policy Developments in the European Union Affect the Company There are several policies that govern the trade in the European Union. These policies affect every aspect of the trade and are therefore helpful in creation of healthy trade factors in the region. The policies that are regulated in the union are broad-based but serve very specific purposes. The policies touch on areas that deal with integration of the market, available opportunities, and the effects of the political economy and venture laws into the international markets (Clarke & Morgan, 2006, p. 33). Integration and Competition Policies The integration policies in the union have had a big market influence in the market. There are some countries that have high stake integration than others. For instance, some countries in the eastern part of Europe do not have a direct relationship with those in the west. Therefore, the companies with a base in either region do not enjoy all the rights associated with closeness. The level of competition therefore is not as creative as it

Monday, November 18, 2019

Life of Pi written by Yann Martel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Life of Pi written by Yann Martel - Essay Example The novel consists of 100 chapters but in this paper with the constraint of developing facts from every chapter is not possible. However a robust endeavor is made in reflecting the theme of the paper by selecting important information from the novel. Special emphasis have been given on the dimension of religion, human comparison with other animals and the overcoming of the prime protagonist Pi against adverse odds explained in the novel has been exhibited with a strong message. In depth analysis will direct the reader towards grasping the crux of the theme which the paper demands. The extravagant novel, ‘Life of Pi’ written by Yann Martel is a solid exposition of the fact that the strength of will power is one of the greatest attributes of the living beings which have the capacity of overcoming all the obnoxious odds and develop from within a power which will be cherished as optimal. Before plunging in to the realms of detailed discussion some show of the will power which has been mentioned in this story can be mentioned. The story points out that the inhabitants of a wrecked ship did not simply agree to succumb to their fate rather they fight against it and overcome all the odds. The prime protagonist Pi also rejects his lifelong vegetarian habits and started to eat fish for maintaining his sustainability. The peaceful orangutans fight fiercely with the zebra in order to stay alive. The painful struggle through which these creatures went through in the story can be said to be the exhibition of strong will force as well as that of highly focusi ng on the strength of life. The author in his novel has stated that the creatures often perform extraordinary and unexpected things in order to survive. But the negative sides of will power are also exhibited which can be seen from the hyena’s treachery and the turn towards cannibalism by blind Frenchman which directs towards the extent to which these creatures can go when they are faced with the possibility of being getting extinct. The novel guide the readers through various situations and helps in analyzing the steps which the reader would be having in order to take the decisions in circumstances which will be exhibiting life-death situation. The paper with its synchronized analysis will point towards the force of the will power used in the novel and will also highlight on its robustness. Authors’ association The author has concentrated on the notion of the will power in his novel as one of the fundamental tools in explaining the subject matter of the novel and in t his endeavor it can be said that the author himself has written down the novel with sheer will power as a main motive behind its creation. The idea about writing this novel came in the mind of the author when he was in Portugal and came to India at a time when he has vey less money yet his passion for writing the novel was omnipotent and within his writings wild life gets highly focused as he has done bachelors’ from a reputed University in United States with zoology as a major subject. It is his strong determination that despite having tough financial constraints, he has been able to write the novel and he describes how he first came to know that about the fantastic tale of Piscine Molitor Patel. Within the framework of Martel’s narration, Pi’s fanatical first-person account of life on the open sea forms the bulk of the book. The end of the novel has been taken from a transcript which has been derived from the interrogation of Pi which reveals the possible

Friday, November 15, 2019

Computer Hardware And Software

Computer Hardware And Software In this topic Management Information System is about the information systems knowledge is essential for creating competitive firms, managing global corporations, adding business value, and providing useful products and services on the way to customers. What is an information system? The information system is defined technically as a set of interrelated apparatus that collect, process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization. In other also determination supporting decision making, coordination, and manage, information systems may also help manager and workers analyze problems, visualize complex subjects and create new products. So information system contain about significant people, place, and things within the organization or in the environment surrounding it. Selecting the global system is from other countries, such as United States, Europe and Asia. Then local is just at state to state or city to city. While want to work outstation or management company, it must know local environments, with different, culture of countries, and local knowledge, time deliver service on a global, and time intense platform. In this question ask that become a mangers hot develop a company in many countries. By the way, management, organization, and technology are one point to show global application how to work and manage it. Question 1 Why is selecting computer hardware and software for the organization an important management decision? What management, organization and technology issue should be considered when selecting computer hardware? Answer of Question 1 Nowadays, computer is a device that accepts information and manipulates on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data to be processed. The computers also include the means for storing data. Computers variable have two parts are software and hardware. Computer hardware is physical foundation for the firm`s information technology infrastructure. Information technology infrastructures include software, data and networks. Computer hardware requires their storage or operation. Then, computer software is detailed instructions that control the operation of a computer system. However, hardware is without software to perform the tasks to associate with computers. Subsequently, in this question ask that why is selecting computer hardware and software for the organization an important management decision? Computer hardware is accordingly representing an important organizational benefit that must be properly managed. Managers need to balance the cost of acquire hardware capital with the need to provide a responsive and reliable platform for delivering information system applications. The most important issues in managing hardware assets are understanding the new technology requirements for electronic commerce and the digital firm, it also determining the total cost of ownership of technology assets, and identifying technology trends impacting the organization`s information technology infrastructure. While the software is represents a major organizational software asset that should be carefully managed. System software coordinates the different parts of the computer system and mediates between application software and computer hardware. As a result, the application software is used by application programmers and some end users to develop specific business application. Then, operating system is system software that to manages and controls the activities of the computer. This system acts as chief manager of the information system, allocation, assigning, and scheduling system resources and monitoring the use of the computer. Computer system resources allow to be used more efficiently such as multiprogramming, multiprocessing, virtual storage and time sharing are operating system capabilities. In PC operating systems have to developed complicated capability like support for multiple users on networks. PC operating system is leading area include Window XP, Window 98 and Window Me, Win dow CE, Window 2000, OS/2, Unix, Linux, Mas OS and DOS. Software also have general trend, can toward user-friendly, high level languages that both increase professional programmer productivity and make it easily for end users to work information systems. Principal programming languages used in business include C, C++ and Visual Basic and each is designed to explain specific types of problems. Software assortment should be based on criterion such as efficiency, compatibility with organization`s technology platform, vendor support, and whether the software tool is appropriate for the problems and tasks of the organization. Another view computer hardware and software technology can enhance or organizational performance. Two of them are major organizational assets that must be carefully managed. By the electronic commerce and electronic business have put new strategic importance on technologies that can store vast quantities if operation data and make them immediately available online. So manager and information systems specialists need to pay individual attention to hardware capacity planning and scalability to ensure that the firm has enough computing power for its current and upcoming needs. Then they also need to balance the costs and benefits of owning and maintaining their own hardware and software versus renting these assets from external service providers. In the online storage service provider (SSPs) rent out storage space to subscribers over the Web, to selling the computer storage as a pay-per-use utility. Type of application service providers (ASPs) is rent out to the software applications an d computer services from private network or remote computer centers to subscribers over the Internet. The companies will pay technology service provides only for the amount of computing power and services by a utility computing model. Cost is one of the point for calculating the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the organization`s technology assets can help to provide managers with the information they want to manage these assets and decide whether to rent or own these assets. Finally, the total cost of technology resources includes not only the original cost of computer hardware and software but they also same costs to upgrades, maintenance, technical support, and training. Management Computer hardware technology is to profound impact on business performance. Thus, it represents an important organizational asset that must be properly managed. Then, the alternative computer hardware topologies are available to processing and storing data while they are using this technology for their business. Computer system have many modern and can be categorized into six major components such as a central processing unit (CPU), primary storage, input devices, output devices, secondary storage, and communications devices (in figure 1). Figure 1:hardware components of computer system CPU is the part of computer where the manipulation of symbol, letter occurs and numbers. CPU has two types of components such as an arithmetic-logic unit and a control unit. CPU is a closely tied primary memory, or primary storage, which are stores data and program instructions temporarily before or after processing. However, more than a few difference kinds of semiconductor memory chips is RAM ( random access memory) is use for short term storage of data and program instruction, then ROM (read only memory) eternally stores important program instructions. Computer processing power depends in part of speed in microprocessors, which is computer`s logic and control on a single chip. The input devices have included keyboards, computer mice, magnetic link and optical character recognition devices audio input devices and radio frequency identification devices. Maintenance of computer hardware is one of a series of cost components that mangers must consider when selecting and managing hardw are technology assets. Total cost of ownership (TCO) is designates the total cost of owning technology resources including cost of hardware, maintenance, and training. Anywhere, to improve firm of management and information systems specialists, so they must pay more attention to hardware capacity planning and scalability. For this system of capacity planning, is the process of predicting when the computer hardware system become saturated. For issue of capacity planning, most of the users that using the system can accommodate at one time. Second issue is the impact of existing and the future software application. Then, is a performance measure like minimum to response time for the processing business transaction. Currently, capacity planning is ensures for the firm has enough computing power and upcoming needs. Salability is refers for the ability of a computer, product, or system to expand to provide a large number of users without breaking down. Organization Computer hardware technology can either improve or delay organizational performance. Computer hardware selection should consider how well the technology meshes with the organization`s culture and structure with its information processing requirements. Technology Information technology today is not incomplete to computers but must be viewed as an array of digital devices networked together. Thus, type of computer and arrangement of processing that should be used by business in the nature organization. Computers type as well as mainframes, PCs, midrange computers, workstation, or supercomputer. While, computers also can be networked together to distribute processing among different machines. Network computer can help organization to maintain the central control over computing, linking PCs, workstations, peer-to-peer, or other computers through the internet or sharing data by private network, and disk space. Different ways of configuring hardware components in management side. Question 2 If you were a manager in a company that operates in many countries, what criteria would you use to determine whether a new system should be developed as a global application or local application? Why? Answer of Question 2 In this question is asking that if I am a manager will chooses global application or local application to operating a new system in many countries of the company. What is global application mean? Global application is for a world order is sweeping away many national corporations, national industries, and national economies control by domestic politician. Most of the countries like United States, Europe and Asia, many of their local firms will be replacing by fast-moving networked corporations that rise above national boundaries. Global application is the overall market forces, or business drivers, that are pushing to industry toward the global competition. So, want to be a good manager must known how to management, organizational and technology using a new system to operate the company in many countries. To develop a global application in new system, a manager would need to learn the cultures, face political and legal uncertainties, global environmental and social expectations, develop a global position and reorganize business strategies. The global market may run up against governmental or cultural restrictions. One of the criteria to be considered to develop the global application is global cultural which include the forms of religious, nationalistic, ethnic, regionalism, and geopolitical position. The differences of culture influence the concept of a shared global culture and reject the penetration of domestic markets by foreign goods and services. The expansion of international communication has created a world culture with stable expectations or norms. However for some of the middle and low level, software systems will equip with their local languages. Every country have their own terms of business trade, therefore political stability and a growing global knowledge base that is widely and essential for the world culture during develop of global application. These common factors are also creating the conditions for global markets, global production, coordination, distribution, and global economies of scale. In addition, different cultures produce different political and legal issued. Many countries are using different laws to lead the movement of information, information privacy of their citizens, origins of software and hardware in systems, and radio and satellite telecommunications. For instance in Germany, a vendor cannot accept payment via credit card until two weeks after an order has been sent. While in Malaysia, a vendor is accept payment via credit card before order goods deliver. Moreover, the criteria of social expectation are another point will need to be concentrate. Different of working hours are vary across countries. So the specific like the reliability that phone network not reliable. For the developing global business have four basic international strategies such as domestic exporter, multinational, franchiser, and transnational. The domestic exporter strategy is characterized by heavy centralization of corporate activities in the home country of origin. For second strategy is multinational, it is concentrates financial management and control out of a central home base while decentralizing production and marketing operations to units in other countries. Third strategy of franchiser is an interesting mix of old and new. Last strategy is the transnational, this for managed the activities from a global perspective without reference to national borders, optimizing sources of supply and demand wherever they become visible. In the information technology, the global telecommunications must improve because they are giving for international firms more flexibility to shape their global strategies. Thus, the protectionism is serve local markets better encourage companies to disperse production facilities. To develop a global company in many counties, how a firm organize and how to control the information support structure by manger? By the way, the entire branch in other counties needs to follow these principles. There are including organize, develop, and establish. For organize value adding activities along lines of comparative advantage. For example, marketing or sales functions should be located where they can best to present, for least cost and maximum impact. Other organizes like production, finance, human resources and information system. Second is develop, it to operate system units at each level of corporate activities regional, national, and international. Local company and global company, theirs develop not same to manage. For local company, there should host country system units of some magnitude. Then the global company is using regional systems units to handle telecommunications and system development across national boundaries that take place within major geographic regions. Last is establish, at world center of operations is a single office responsible for development of international system. Management Managers are responsible for devising an appropriate organizational and technological framework for international business. Global business strategies have four basic for global firms organizational structure. Transnational firms should develop networked system configurations and permit considerable decentralization of development. Second strategies are franchisers, nearly to duplicate systems across many countries and use centralized financial controls. Multinationals is third strategy, it typically rely on decentralized independence among foreign units with some movement toward development of networks. Lastly is domestic strategy is exporters typically are centralized in domestic headquarters with some decentralized operations permitted. To develop a global firm or company and information systems support structure, be a firm or company needs to known these principles. To identifying core business process is to perform a business process analysis. There have three type are organize develop and establish. Hence, organize is the value adding activities along lines of comparative advantage. After that, develop and operate systems units at each level of corporate activity regional, national, and international and establish is at world headquarters a single office responsible for development of international system, it is a global chief information officer (CIO) position. Managers must know how to handle the most vexing problem facing managers developing the global information systems architectures. Applications developed just about the global by different divisions, different people, and for different kinds of computing hardware. If the problem are magnified in an international environment, then just to imagine the challenge of integrating system based on Window, Unix, Linux and many other hardware in many different operating units in many different countries. Organization Global information systems pose challenges because of culture, political, and language diversity magnifies in organizational culture and business processes and encourages proliferation of disparate local information systems that are difficult to integrate. Usually, international systems have evolved without a conscious plan. The remedy is in the direction of a small subset of core business process and focus on building systems to support these processes. Usually, for managers must have to get somebody on board widely dispersed foreign units to participate in the development and operation of these systems, being careful to maintain overall control. Technology Global systems also must using hardware, software, and networking pose special technical challenges in an international setting. Mean that want finding some way to standardize a global computing platform when using have variation form operating unit to operating unit and from country to country. The universal acceptance of the internet around the global has greatly reduced networking problems. While, the internet does not guarantee that information will flow seamlessly throughout the global organization. Because all business units not use the same applications, and the quality of internet service can be highly variable. Other way, the hardware and telecommunications issues are systems integration and connectivity. Integration is to go either with a proprietary architecture or with open systems technology. Then the global networks are particularly difficult to build and operate. However, firms or company can build their own global networks or also can create global networks based on i nternet.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Evil in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart :: Things Fall Apart essays

Evil in Things Fall Apart Throughout the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the reader feels evil. Evil is a concept that is hard to define. The dictionary defines it as " morally bad; wicked" (Funk & Wagnalls 220). But is the definition of evil really as simple as that? Many would say that there is more to defining evil than just a few words. Evil can also be defined by a culture. If one were to study various cultures around the world, he or she would discover that each culture has a different way of defining evil. Even world politics sometimes plays a role in defining evil. But one's personal definition seems to have the most impact on what one thinks is evil. Theology has played a strong role in defining evil for thousands of years. The Bible teaches Christians that Satan is evil, and not to follow his teachings. Evil as a concept in Christianity developed in the third and fourth centuries. During that time, St. Augustine determined that "Evil is the privation, or absence, of good, as darkness is the absence of light." (Funk&Wagnalls19) In modern times, theology has had a difficult time defending the existence of God in light of the many atrocities that have occurred in the last 100 years, such as the Holocaust, World War II, the Vietnam War, and the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo. As a result, theology is now having to redefine what evil is. Cultures and politics among cultures have a way of defining evil for their own inhabitants. The Europeans who visited the Ibo culture in Things Fall Apart viewed many of the customs that the natives practiced as evil or barbaric or primitive. The Ibo concept of the "Evil Forest" was one of them. It was something that each village had and "In it were buried all those who died of the really evil diseases, like leprosy and smallpox." (Achebe 148) Another belief held by the tribe in the novel is that if a woman has children, and each dies under "evil" circumstances, then she is under attack by an evil tormentor. The remedy to this problem is to " Let her not sleep in her hut. Let her go and stay with her people. In that way she will elude her wicked tormentor and break its evil cycle of birth and death" (Achebe 77).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Performance Style of Dave Brubeck

The performance style of Dave Brubeck Dave Brubeck’s unique performance style is characterized primarily by his use of polytonality, polyrhythm, and immense amounts of improvisation. His style grew from his upbringing and as he put it, â€Å"different approach to all of the normal things†. By no means did Dave take the normal approach; he made it all the way threw the conservatory with out being able to read the piano music he was playing. His ability to think on the spot and his amazing ear took jazz to the next level.He took jazz to a world of difficult technicality and created sounds with depth that amazed all who had the opportunity to listen to him. Brubeck once stated, â€Å"And there is a time where you can be beyond yourself. You can be better than your technique. You can be better than most of your usual ideas. And this is a whole other category that you can get into†-Dave Brubeck. Brubeck always went above and beyond, breaking convention. It is this unc onventional approach that defined Dave Brubeck’s Style. Polytonality as Dave described it, â€Å"(is) using multiple key centers at the same time. He was known for incorporating this technique in to many of his performances, although he admits to not knowing that he is doing it at the time. He naturally did things that were way ahead of his time. His compositions were known to use polytonality although Dave probably would not play them as he had notated them on the page. In the Dave Brubeck Oral History Project he describes a polytonal piece; â€Å"One of the early pieces I wrote in 1946 as a student with Darius Milhaud, had three different clefs instead of two clefs treble, treble, bass rather then treble clef, bass clef.And, I'd be playing a swing bass in this hand in one key, and then adding on these other things in other keys. † The use of this technique is very aptly described by Mark McFarland who wrote; â€Å"Brubeck's use of polytonality helps to project a ge neral decrease or increase in relative dissonance, thereby clarifying the formal structure on both the small- and large-scale. The comparison with tonal theory extends to include pivot chords; with Brubeck, such chords simultaneously serve as the final chord in a polychordal passage and as the first and most exotic chord in a tonal passage. †Dave Brubeck’s use of polytonality in his performance of jazz standards had a permanent affect on the history of jazz. He brought old tunes to new levels of technicality and virtuosity and in a greater sense, defined a new era in which new ideology and contemporary progression came to light. In 1961 Dave Said â€Å"I wanted to do things poly-rhythmically because I thought that jazz was much too tame. The way I wanted to set up the group was that the drummer would be playing one rhythm, the bass player another rhythm, and Paul [Desmond] and I could play in either of those rhythms or a new rhythm . . it’s time that jazz musici ans take up their original role of leading the public into more adventurous rhythms. † Polyrhythm is defined by the Grove Music Dictionary as; the superposition of different rhythms or meters. Meaning that you have two or more conflicting pulses in piece. Dave believes his best example of polyrhythm can be found in his solo on Raggedy Waltz at carnage hall. He describes that â€Å"one two, one two† is on the left hand against the waltz in 3 in his right hand. This is only one of many examples of Dave’s use of â€Å"poly-rhythmical play†.He is also known for writing pieces in what are generally considered to be strange meters for jazz. For example Take 5, Unsquare dance or Blue Rondo A La Turk. These pieces feature drastically different rhythmic structures then what was normal were a driving force in what made Dave Brubeck’s music popular. His unique way of interpreting standards using polyrhythms and giving them an entirely new feel and inspiring a generation of musicians to go further outside the box in jazz performances. Brubeck’s polyrhythmic ideas challenged the minds of both performers and listeners.Improvisation has been an essential part of jazz sense its origin, however Dave Brubeck took it to a whole new level. During his time at College Of The Pacific he managed to get all the way to his last year before any one knew that he couldn’t read music. This was all because of his remarkable improvisation skill and excellent ear. He tells a story of a recital he played at Mills College under Darius Milhaud, where he draws a blank in the middle of the first of two pieces but instead of stopping he simply begins to improvise freely and does the same for the second piece.At the end of the concert the audience applauded being none the wiser, this is because of his ability to so improvise with such complexity so freely. The only person who knew what happened Darius Milhaud who told him â€Å"Boo-Boo [nick name for Brubeck] , very good, but not what you wrote! † Brubeck credits much of his inspiration for such improvisation to the great Johan Sebastian Bach, because of the similarity between the figured base that Bach would play over with the choir and the chord changes that he and other jazz musician play over today.With the inspiration of Bach and his own remarkable natural abilities, Brubeck challenged conventional improvisation and built a complex foundation for a new form of improvisational jazz. Dave Brubeck’s performance style can be described using many musical terms such as polytonal or polyrhythmic, but the truly defining factor of his performance style is that it is unique. He himself admits to having each solo being a different from the next often not grasping the true complexity of what he had just played. Ever performance is different from the next. Dave Brubeck is great because he is unique.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Examples of Covalent Bonds and Compounds

Examples of Covalent Bonds and Compounds These are examples of covalent bonds and covalent compounds. Covalent compounds also are known as molecular compounds. Organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, are all examples of molecular compounds. You can recognize these compounds because they consist of nonmetals bonded to each other. PCl3 - phosphorus trichlorideCH3CH2OH - ethanolO3 - ozoneH2 - hydrogenH2O - waterHCl - hydrogen chlorideCH4 - methaneNH3 - ammoniaCO2 - carbon dioxide So, for example, you would not expect to find covalent bonds in a metal or alloy, such as silver, steel, or brass. You would find ionic rather than covalent bonds in a salt, such as sodium chloride. What Determines Whether a Covalent Bond Forms? Covalent bonds form when two nonmetallic atoms have the same or similar electronegativity values. So, if two identical nonmetals (e.g., two hydrogen atoms) bond together, they will form a pure covalent bond. When two dissimilar nonmetals form bonds (e.g., hydrogen and oxygen), they will form a covalent bond, but the electrons will spend more time closer to one type of atom than the other, producing a polar covalent bond.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Augustus Caesar and his rise to power essays

Augustus Caesar and his rise to power essays Augustus Caesars rise to power and transformation of the Roman Republic into the great Empire was able to happen because of his great ability to gain support from his military soldiers, the senate, and the people. His relationship with each varied, but ultimately lead to him becoming known as the creator of the Roman Empire. Through the gaining of well timed support from the senate, and retaining popularity with his army and the people he was able to gain the political power needed in order to give Rome the opportunity of changing into the Empire it came to be. Augustuss mass approval from the senate was the main reason how he gained enough power to take Rome to the next level and fully solidify it as a world power and one of the greatest Empires in world history. Augustuss speeches to the senate, was one of the ways in which he gained the respect as a leader. Having attained my highest hopes, members of the senate, what more have I to ask of the immortal gods that I may retain the same unanimous approval of yours to the very end of my life (page 53, DWP). He was also quite modest in receiving titles and accolades from the senate and by the people. By refusing titles early in his political career, he was perceived to be honest and his intentions to be in the best interest of the Republic and not his own power. However when he did accept the titles given to him and once he saw his power growing, this is when Augustus began to change Rome from the Republic it had been, and into the Empire it is most notably remembered for. The senate remain ed intact and still acted as it did during the past, but unless it gained the approval of Caesar, actions by the senate did not take place. And if someone was elected but was not seen fit to hold the position in the eyes of Caesar than that person would not hold office....yet he took care that no persons should hold office who were unfit or elected as the r...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Summary - Essay Example Not only did more women graduate 4-year college programs, but more also sought higher professional degrees just as more of them actually entered the labor force as they expected, which caused many to make other shifts in their lifestyles, such as getting married at a later stage. There were several factors that contributed to this change in expectations. Goldin discusses each one in turn, but includes government mandates that prohibited discrimination in hiring policies and higher education acceptance, social change in the Civil Rights movement that gave impetus to a resurgence of feminism, the availability of contraception that gave women the power to choose when or if they want a baby, the baby boom and a declining national economy. A great deal of discussion is given to the evidence that female contraception in the form of the Pill was a significant factor in these changes for several reasons – it is measurable, it had a direct impact, it had an indirect impact and causalities can be

Friday, November 1, 2019

Human Resource Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Resource Strategy - Research Paper Example This customer focused company concentrates on its Human Resource Management very seriously. Wal-Mart pays much attention in recruiting its staff and training them. This research paper focuses on creating a global resource strategy of Wal-Mart in recruitment, interviewing, selection, hiring, and training of floor manager. In discussing the global recruitment strategies of Wal-Mart in recruiting floor manager can be mainly conducted in two ways which are internal and external recruitment. In internal recruitment process the employee of the company will refer suitable candidates for the position of floor manager. If that referred candidate is finally recruited by Wal-Mart then the employee will receive a reward for referring him. In its external recruitment strategy the company will select candidates from its different external sources. Wal-Mart can collect information about the successful floor managers working in its competitors companies and sent recruitment offers to them. Another recruitment strategy the firm can adopt is that the final shortlisted candidate will have to provide the names of some top talents in their last or current company with the necessary details. It will help Wal-Mart to get in touch will different talented candidates. The interview process of Wal-Mart must be very strong for selection the right candidate for the position of floor manager. The company’s global human resource strategies on its interview process can be based on different type of tests. The strategy of conducting Psychometric test will help to know the candidate’s ability, personality and aptitude. The firm can implement group activity test for assessing the candidate’s performance in a group work. Case study based interview helps to evaluate the knowledge of the applicant. The strategies of unstructured interview will inform Wal-Mart about the actual interest and ambitions of the interviewee by informal discussions (Moneim

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sara Lee Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sara Lee Corporation - Case Study Example The strategy was also developed so as to allow the company to primarily focus its vital resources on the currently more profitable household products, beverages and foods industries with the aim of strengthening the company’s financial position. By the year 2007, Sara Lee’s Operating Excellence was seen not to be progressing as expected and hence the management introduced a new policy to help optimize the company’s overall productivity by initiating Project Accelerate (Thompson, et al., 243-256). Issues and Problems The seven units that Sara Lee divested generally included European nuts and snacks, direct sales, European and U.S. meats, U.S. retail coffee, European apparel, European Rice and Sara Lee branded apparel. By exiting from the operations of these eight businesses that the company perceived as being mainly nonstrategic, the company essentially followed a strategy that allowed it to increase its share of the corporate profits, due to the fact that most of the business units that the company retrenched were deemed as being unprofitable. By the year 2006, about five of these business units were seen to have negative net profit margins as well as negative operating margins. The European nuts and snacks, and the direct selling unit were essentially the only units that were generally profitable. These two units were experiencing declining operating margins and revenues apart from the increase in margins that they experienced in 2006 (Thompson, et al., 254). The decision to divest the company’s snack operations can be deemed as having been the correct one as the division was only able to produce net profits of about $3 million an amount which would not have resulted in considerably increasing the wealth of the company’s shareholders. In the deal to sell the unit, the company managed to receive about $70 million after taxes, this was a positive development as it was about 22 times the current net profit (Thompson, et al., 248 ). The decision to spin off Hanesbrands can essentially be seen to have resulted in seriously crippling Hanesbrands as it incurred a huge long-term debt that can potentially seriously affect its ability to turn considerable profits in the future (Thompson, et al., 248-249). The decision to sell its direct sales units can generally be regarded as having been a bad decision as the unit was drawing a profit margin of about 27% with an estimated income of about $54 million (Thompson, et al., 247). The direct sales division also served to expose Sara Lee corporation to other markets a factor which could have served to allow the company to potentially find new markets for some of its other products. However, by selling the unit, Sara Lee managed to receive a net gain of about 4 times of the unit’s current profits. An Analysis of Sara Lee Corporation’s Macro-Environment Pestle Analysis of Sara Lee Corporation There are various key factors that can be seen to be affecting Sara Lee’s Corporation’s external environment. Some of these factors include: Political Factors: Some of the main political factors affecting Sara Lee include the various political issues surrounding the company’s strategy of divesting its business operations. Economic Factors: The impact of the recent global recession was seen to have an effect on a number of industries across the world and was seen to also affect the operations of Sara Lee corporation. The company’s bimbo brand of fresh bread that was seen to be the market leader in packaged bread that was sold in Spain with an impressive market share of about 37 percent and was subsequently ranked as being the second-best-selling packaged bread in Spain happened to be rather severely affected by

Monday, October 28, 2019

Problems of Teen Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

Problems of Teen Pregnancy Essay Teenage pregnancy is simply defined teenage girl who became pregnant at an early age. The term connotes that the girl has not reach the legal adulthood before conceiving. Like United States, our country, Philippines also facing this kind of problem. Our government discusses how to prevent and low down the rate of pregnancy especially in the teenagers. Most cases of teenage pregnancies are observed in the lower economic strata of society where there is a lack of knowledge, awareness and facility to address the problem of unintended pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is often associated with an increase rate of delinquent behaviors including alcohol and substance abuse. An absentee parent can create insecurities in children, and depending on the parent’s role in the child’s life, can make some children more prone to crime and other emotional issues. Causes of teen pregnancy and tips to surpass it Family problem affects the thinking ability of a teenager. It makes them to create decisions that they think it’s good for them, they ask advices to their friends than their families. This is also the time that teens are starting to learn to drink alcohol and use prohibited drugs to satisfy their selves and to forget the problems between his/her family. One thing that the teens think can help them to get away from their family is to get pregnant. They act so reckless yet after getting pregnant they’ll come to their parents for the financial support for the baby. If the family problem doesn’t stop that early this will be the reason for the adolescent to pursue their plan in getting pregnant. Their mind is really sober and can’t think well, one of the family members should talk to their family member that is involved on the specific circumstances. Parents have the most important role in the life of a teenager. They are the ones that adolescents look up too whenever they have problems. They must be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of their children. Try to be more supportive than to criticize them. Try to discuss with them some certain issues to reach an outcome that you and your teenager can both accept. Make conversation with them over breakfast and dinner, having heart to heart talk with will help to enlighten their minds and they can think clearly. One factor that leads teen girls to become pregnant is peer pressure. Many teens sexualize themselves or engage in behavior for which they are not yet ready because they want to fit in or be popular. Peer pressure to engage in sexual activity is so common, a variety of terms refer to the behavior, such as hooking up, booty calls or referring to someone as a friend with benefits. If you’re a parent, consider the impact that peer pressure could have on her decisions, and the potential ramifications of this impact. Any teen succumb to pressure to have sex. All teens have sexual urges especially boys, they engage in sex before they are ready. Popular teens are also vulnerable. Some of the typical peer pressures that teenagers face are drugs, smoking, alcohol, sex and dangerous driving. If their friends value having sex, then they are likely to have sex, too. Many times these teens let their friends influence their decision to have sex even when they do not fully understand the consequences associated with the act. Still others find it easier to give in and have sex than to try to explain why not. Some teenagers get caught up in the romantic feelings and believe having sex is the best way they can prove their love. Most teenagers experience sudden and hitherto unknown emotions and feelings during their early puberty. They feel a natural sense of rebelling against the set norms as well. All this, coupled with a sudden sense of new-found freedom and sexuality, results in many of them giving vent to their feelings through sexual expressions and experiences. The only way they could probably achieve that would be by having a boyfriend or girlfriend or at least by dating and indulging in sexual acts often. This kind of rash behavior could lead to unintended pregnancies. When you feel threaten and pressure, you must stop and ignore them. These people will bring the worst out of you. Find a substitute and affirming friend, it’s good to have friends who can affirm you. Develop a sense of humor; crack a joke and everyone’s going to admire you. Be prepared, make a plan and be prepared for the times you’ll face peer pressure. Most teens do not want to become pregnant; they are still becoming so as a result of sexual activity. While actual force to have sex is rare, many teenage girls (especially those under the age of 15) feel pressured to have sex. Rape does happen and is one of the reasons that teen pregnancies occur. Rape by boyfriends, family members and even strangers can result in teen pregnancy. 50 60% of teens were molested prior to their first pregnancy, 50% of perpetrators were family members. To avoid rape, avoid walking alone as much as possible. Be mentally prepared. Always carry pepper spray and learn self defense. Ways of Preventing Teen Parenthood Teenage pregnancy is a rather frightening reality that can change your life in an instant. The good news is that teenage pregnancy is avoidable: By not having sex, you never risk getting pregnant. If you do decide to have sex, its best to stay informed about what you can do to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Abstinence also protects people form STDs. This way helps teenagers to refrain from getting pregnant. Also prevents pregnancy by keeping the sperm out of the vagina. For us, abstinence is the safest way of preventing pregnancy. It has many benefits, it has no medical and hormonal side effects and it is free. Teenagers can used this method to focus on school, career and family. Any woman or man can abstain from sex play. Many do so at various times in their lives. Teen girls are more likely to get pregnant if they have limited or no guidance from their parents. Many parents have busy lives that prevent them from providing the guidance and support that their young teenagers need to make good decisions on issues such as sex. If you’re a parent, talking to your children will have a big effect on them especially when you’re talking about intercourse. Communicating with your children about sex, love, and relationships is often more successful when you are clear in your own mind about these issues. Start the conversation, and make sure that it is honest, open, and respectful. Many inexpensive books and videos are available to help with any detailed information you might need, but don’t let your lack of technical information make you shy. If you’re a teenager, ask advices to the people you trust. Let them clarify issues about pregnancy and sex. Don’t be shy asking your parents about it. Being open to them will keep you away from the risk of getting pregnant. The effectiveness of birth control methods is critically important for reducing the risk of unintended pregnancy. Effectiveness can be measured during â€Å"perfect use,† when the method is used correctly and consistently as directed, or during â€Å"typical use,† which is how effective the method is during actual use (including inconsistent and incorrect use). Using contraceptives helps those to refrain to avoid pregnancy also some contraceptives are good for health. You can use injectable progestin; this method is extremely effective since all thats required of a woman is to return to her health care provider for a shot every three months. Males can use male condoms; these are thin tube made of latex. This is the best contraception to avoid having STDs. Psychological Effect of Teen Pregnancy Its common for pregnant teens to feel a range of emotions, such as fear, anger, guilt, confusion, and sadness. It may take a while to adjust to the fact that youre going to have a baby. Its a huge change, and its natural for pregnant teens to wonder whether theyre ready to handle the responsibilities that come with being a parent. A. Emotional Effect 1. Initial Excitement Some teenagers are excited to bear a child, especially when it is their first pregnancy. They are excited to see their baby. Others are excited to buy clothes and other things for the baby. They think of names for the baby. 2. Confuse Some are confused and at a loss on what to do. They are too young and many have no idea about bearing a child. 3. Afraid Some are scared. They think of questions like, â€Å"How should I tell my parents? † â€Å"How will I face my classmates? † or â€Å"What is the best thing to do to solve this problem? † They are afraid to answer these questions. They feel scared on what will be the reactions of their parents. 4. Frustrated Pregnant teenagers will realize that they are not yet ready to bear a child when it’s already late. 5. Hopelessness Low self-esteem increases vulnerability and decreases her ability to refuse to go along with risky sexual behaviors. 6. Denial – Some teenagers just neglect and abandoning her/his baby. 7. Worries about the future – Several uncertainties may arise. She may start worrying how would she dealing with the baby herself. 8. Mood Swings Its very common to have mood swings during pregnancy. Some girls may also experience depression during pregnancy or after delivery. B. Mental Effect of Early Pregnancy 1. Depression It is common among pregnant teenager who is desperate to solve their problems. Some teenagers try to solve their problem by abortion and suicide. Abortion, it is the removal of a fetus from the mother’s womb. Abortion is illegal. About 300,000 to 500,000 women undergo abortion every year. Article 256, 258 and 259 in the Revised Penal Code of the Philippine penalize women who undergo abortion and others who help her with imprisonment. Some teenager, however, think that abortion is a way to solve their problem. Medical Risk A woman of any age is pregnant and unaware of it is likely not to get the nutrition she needs to sustain both herself and her unborn child. Part of what boosts the rate of mortalities in teen births is that, worldwide, teens have a higher rate of premature birth and low birth-weight babies. Many researchers believe that this is due to a lack of adequate prenatal care, either because teen mothers are too scared or lack the financial resources to seek out medical help. Many wait until the third trimester to see a doctor, which raises levels of anemia and nutritional deficiencies in young mothers. Because of this lack of early care, children of teen mothers are more likely to suffer from health issues and to be hospitalized within their first year of life. Prematurity plays the greatest role in low birth weight, but intrauterine growth retardation (inadequate growth of the fetus during pregnancy) is also a factors. The younger a mother is below age 20, the greater the risk of her infant dying during the first year of life. It is very important for pregnant teens to have early and adequate prenatal care. Factors can be divided into maternal and fetal. Maternal factors include age (younger than age 15, older than age 35); weight (pre-pregnancy weight under 100 lb or obesity); height (under five feet); history of complications during previous pregnancies (including stillbirth, fetal loss, preterm labor and/or delivery, small-for-gestational age baby, large baby, pre-eclampsia or eclampsia); more than five previous pregnancies; bleeding during the third trimester; abnormalities of the reproductive tract; uterine fibroids; hypertension. Premature may have problems with his or her vision, digestion, and respiratory. Children born to teenage mothers are less likely to receive proper nutrition, health care, and cognitive and social stimulation. As a result, they are at risk for lower academic achievement. Teens are more at risk for certain problems during pregnancy, such as anemia, high blood pressure, and giving birth earlier than usual (called premature delivery). Clinic-focused programs provide easier access to information, counseling by health care providers, and contraceptive services. Many of these programs are offered through school-based clinics. See a doctor as soon as possible after you’ve found out that you are pregnant to begin prenatal care. Take vitamin supplements that are recommended by your doctor to support you and your baby’s health. Avoid the intakes of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. Using illegal drugs such as cocaine or marijuana during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, prematurity, and other medical problems. Babies can also be born addicted to certain drugs. Socioeconomic Problems Throughout the developed world, teenage pregnancy is more common among young people who have been disadvantaged in childhood and have low expectations of education or the job market. Socio-economic circumstances seem to play a major role in rates of teen pregnancy. There may be a growing â€Å"lost generation† of young people who see no reason not to get pregnant. Teens coming from poor economic status and single parents are more likely to participate in risky sexual behaviors. For some disadvantaged youth, particularly for girls whose self esteem tends to drop as they mature, sexuality may be all they have to value. Children of teenage parents are more likely to have problems and to eventually become teenage parents themselves, thus perpetuating the cycle of poverty begun by a teenage birth. It is widely acknowledged that health and social status are intimately related such that individuals in higher social classes are healthier and live longer than those in lower classes. This is true regardless of whether income, education or another socioeconomic indicator is used and regardless of the health outcome used. Teen mothers are less likely to complete the education necessary to qualify for a well-paying job —only 38 percent of mothers who have children before age 18 obtain a high school diploma. This disparity in education, not surprisingly, tends to affect income level. Teenage mothers and fathers tend to have less education and are more likely to live in poverty than their peers who are not teen parents. Babies born to teen mothers are more likely to have health problems at birth, do poorly in school, do time in jail and also become teen parents. Teen pregnancy is the leading cause of females dropping out of high school. Furthermore, less than 2 percent of teen mothers attain a college degree by age 30. Because of their lower education status, teen mothers on average earn lower incomes than their peers, and are thus more likely to be in poverty. Unmarried mothers of all ages reported most dissatisfaction with educational achievement. With the little income of both parents, it’s very difficult to provide with the required nutrition and care. It’s very difficult for teenage mother and father to support themselves and their baby. As their education is cut short, it’s very difficult for teenage parents to find decent job. Some parents just abandoned their child to escape the poverty. Teen Fathers The adolescent father faces immediate developmental crises, which include completing the developmental task of adolescence making a transition to parenthood, and sometimes adopting to marriage. These transitions can be stressful. The decision to include the young father in all aspects of the care is based on assessment in the following four areas: (1) the couple’s relationship; (2) levels of stress, concern, and coping; (3) educational and vocational goals; and (4) the level of health education knowledge. Adolescent fathers need support to discuss their emotional responses to the pregnancy. The father’s feelings of guilt, powerlessness, or bravado should be recognize because of their negative consequences for the parents and the child. Counseling the adolescent fathers needs to be reality oriented. Topics such as finances, child care, parenting skills, and the father’s role in the birth experience must be discussed. Teenage fathers also need to know about reproductive physiology and birth control options as well as safer sex practices. The adolescent father may continue to be involved in an ongoing relationship with the young mother and his baby. In many instances, he also plays an important role in the decisions about child care and raising the child. He is encouraged to use coping mechanisms that are not detrimental to his own, his parent’s, or his child’s well-being. Fathers can experience postpartum depression. There is a lot of advice out there for girls who find them facing an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy but there is very little information out there for guys. It takes two to make a baby but all too often when the pregnancy is announced the guy gets lost in the confusion. But teen fatherhood is not something to be taken lightly and along with responsibilities to the mother and the child you have rights that you need to know about. Teen fathers are more likely to get involved with criminal behavior, including alcohol and drug abuse, and drug dealing. Depending on their age, teen fathers can also face charges of statutory rape. Teen fathers earn less over time than men who have children at an older age. Over time, teen fathers earn 10 to 15 percent less annually than male teens that wait to have children. A young fathers financial insecurity or confusion about child care was most likely to lead to a stated disinterest, and that disinterest predicted uninvolvement. .To be a good teen father you can do the following: Choosing to stand by your baby is a big deal and shows that you definitely have the potential for the job. If you are still in a relationship with the mother of the child then that’s great, you can work together to be good parents and raise a happy child. Be sure to support the mother through the pregnancy, it is a very difficult time for her and her body is changing in a big way. Try and have some sort of balance, if you are working constantly you will never get to see your child. Teenage fathers should be a role model to their baby. They are the one shaping the characteristic of their children. Teen Mothers The very young adolescent mother is inexperienced and unprepared to recognize the early sign of illness, potential danger, or household hazards. She may inadvertently neglect her child. The higher mortality rates among the infants of adolescent mother are attributed to the inexperience, lack of knowledge, and immaturity of the mothers, causing them to unable to recognize a problem and obtain the necessary resources to rectify the situation. Nevertheless, in most instances, with adequate and developmentally appropriate teaching, Adolescents can learn effective parenting skills. The transition to parenthood may be difficult to adolescent parents. Coping with the developmental task of parenthood is often complicated by the unmet developmental needs and tasks of adolescents. Some young parents may experience difficulty accepting a changing self image and adjusting to new roles related to the responsibilities of infant care. Other adolescent parents, however, may have higher self concepts than their non-parenting peers. As adolescent parents move through the transition to parenthood, they may feel different from their peers, excluded from fun activities, and prematurely forced to enter an adult social role. The conflict between their own desires and the infant’s demands, in addition to the low tolerance for frustration that is typical of adolescents, further contribute to the normal psychosocial stress of child birth. Maintaining a relationship with the baby’s father is beneficial for the teen mother and her infant the involvement of the baby’s father is related to appropriate maternal behaviors and positive mother-infant relationship. Adolescent mothers provide warm and attentive physical care; however, they use less verbal interaction than do older parents, and adolescents tend to be less responsive to interact less positively with their infants than do older mothers. In comparison with adult mothers, teenage mothers have a limited knowledge of child development. They tend to expect too much of their children too soon and often characterize their infants as being fussy. This limited knowledge may cause teenagers to respond to their infants inappropriately. Sex Education Comprehensive sex education can for the most part be considered to people as having no effect on teens to avoid sex, but others can see it has a way to decrease teen pregnancies in America. According to Advocates for Youth (2009), comprehensive sex education programs helped youth â€Å"delay onset of sexual activity, reduce the frequency of sexual activity, reduce number of sexual partners, and increase condom and contraceptive use. † An important component of an ongoing sex is effective communication with parents. When peers are the primary source of sexual information, it is transmitted and exchanged in secret conversation and contains a large amount of misinformation. Adolescent need precise and concrete information that we allow then to answer questions such as â€Å"What if I start my period in the middle of class? † or â€Å"How can I keep people from telling I have an erection? † it is important to tell them what they want to know and what they can expect to happen as they became mature sexually.