Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Frankenstein Or The Modern Prometheus

Knowledge in the Beginning o Myth of Prometheus †¢ Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is the complete title of Mary Shelley’s flamboyant monster novel, which includes an allusion to Prometheus. Her referral to Prometheus is not only about how he was the Titan punished by Zeus because he stole fire from the gods and presented it to mankind; it is also more focused on how he was titan and mythical being who created mankind and was not able to control his own creation. †¢ Prometheus is claimed by others to be one of the wisest if not the wisest Titan. When he brought fire to mankind, he transported knowledge and illumination to mankind. For going against the gods, he was harshly punished. Prometheus was chained to a rock and his punishment was that his liver had to be eaten out every day by an eagle. Every night his liver would grow back and every day an eagle would devour it. His punishment was to last an eternity. o Connection with the Modern Prometheus (Frankenstein) †¢ Marry Shelley was clearly influenced by the tale of Prometheus as she implemented the Titan’s name for part of her title. †¢ Shelley also adopted the concept of a certain consequence from the result of seeking power and knowledge. The novel illustrates this in how Victor was tortured throughout the story after he created the monster. As Prometheus was tortured for a consequence, so was Victor. At the end of the novel, Victor proclaimed that his curiosity caused all his misfortunes and sufferings. PastShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus 1567 Words   |  7 PagesVictor’s Foolishness: Using Science to Learn Natures Secrets â€Å"I have always described myself as always having been imbued with a fevering longing to penetrate the secrets of science† Victor Frankenstein (Shelley, pg34). 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