Thursday, November 28, 2019

Characters in Twilight in Delhi Essay Example

Characters in Twilight in Delhi Paper ‘Twilight in Delhi’ is by far there most popular of all Ahmad Ali’s works and is also considered to be his English novel. What renders the novel so high status among his literary works, and even perhaps one of the best in Asia, is not only the depiction of the culture of Delhi and the life over there but also the exhilarating command of the novelist in presenting the living characters on the pages. No doubt the characters we meet are full of flesh and blood, having qualities of head and heart; likings and disliking; Excellencies and deficiencies, thus we never doubt on their very existence. His characters come before our eyes as human beings facing conflicts, both within and without, and therefore leave an everlasting impression on our minds. In short, his approach as a novelist is purely that of a traditionalist, regardless of modern approach, and fully involved in the society that he is depicting. Most of the characters in the novel are descriptive as the author doesn’t let them speak about themselves; rather he himself describes the physical traits, habits and even the background of the characters, and fully involves the readers in the description so that he can get to a particular conclusion about those characters. He has introduced so very simple but some very intricate characters that the reader is lost at analyzing them in depth. They may not look mere type characters as we generally find in literature, but with their typical Muslim back ground and culture, they are close to type character, though some of them are perfectly individualized. Even the type characters don’t look alien in their habits or disposition. In the novel, we don’t even find the minor characters described in a single vein, rather they come before us as natural as they can in any society. We will write a custom essay sample on Characters in Twilight in Delhi specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Characters in Twilight in Delhi specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Characters in Twilight in Delhi specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When we observe the characters minutely, we see that some of them undergo a great emotional and mental change and face many ups and downs during the course of th

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