Monday, November 18, 2019

Life of Pi written by Yann Martel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Life of Pi written by Yann Martel - Essay Example The novel consists of 100 chapters but in this paper with the constraint of developing facts from every chapter is not possible. However a robust endeavor is made in reflecting the theme of the paper by selecting important information from the novel. Special emphasis have been given on the dimension of religion, human comparison with other animals and the overcoming of the prime protagonist Pi against adverse odds explained in the novel has been exhibited with a strong message. In depth analysis will direct the reader towards grasping the crux of the theme which the paper demands. The extravagant novel, ‘Life of Pi’ written by Yann Martel is a solid exposition of the fact that the strength of will power is one of the greatest attributes of the living beings which have the capacity of overcoming all the obnoxious odds and develop from within a power which will be cherished as optimal. Before plunging in to the realms of detailed discussion some show of the will power which has been mentioned in this story can be mentioned. The story points out that the inhabitants of a wrecked ship did not simply agree to succumb to their fate rather they fight against it and overcome all the odds. The prime protagonist Pi also rejects his lifelong vegetarian habits and started to eat fish for maintaining his sustainability. The peaceful orangutans fight fiercely with the zebra in order to stay alive. The painful struggle through which these creatures went through in the story can be said to be the exhibition of strong will force as well as that of highly focusi ng on the strength of life. The author in his novel has stated that the creatures often perform extraordinary and unexpected things in order to survive. But the negative sides of will power are also exhibited which can be seen from the hyena’s treachery and the turn towards cannibalism by blind Frenchman which directs towards the extent to which these creatures can go when they are faced with the possibility of being getting extinct. The novel guide the readers through various situations and helps in analyzing the steps which the reader would be having in order to take the decisions in circumstances which will be exhibiting life-death situation. The paper with its synchronized analysis will point towards the force of the will power used in the novel and will also highlight on its robustness. Authors’ association The author has concentrated on the notion of the will power in his novel as one of the fundamental tools in explaining the subject matter of the novel and in t his endeavor it can be said that the author himself has written down the novel with sheer will power as a main motive behind its creation. The idea about writing this novel came in the mind of the author when he was in Portugal and came to India at a time when he has vey less money yet his passion for writing the novel was omnipotent and within his writings wild life gets highly focused as he has done bachelors’ from a reputed University in United States with zoology as a major subject. It is his strong determination that despite having tough financial constraints, he has been able to write the novel and he describes how he first came to know that about the fantastic tale of Piscine Molitor Patel. Within the framework of Martel’s narration, Pi’s fanatical first-person account of life on the open sea forms the bulk of the book. The end of the novel has been taken from a transcript which has been derived from the interrogation of Pi which reveals the possible

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