Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Augustus Caesar and his rise to power essays

Augustus Caesar and his rise to power essays Augustus Caesars rise to power and transformation of the Roman Republic into the great Empire was able to happen because of his great ability to gain support from his military soldiers, the senate, and the people. His relationship with each varied, but ultimately lead to him becoming known as the creator of the Roman Empire. Through the gaining of well timed support from the senate, and retaining popularity with his army and the people he was able to gain the political power needed in order to give Rome the opportunity of changing into the Empire it came to be. Augustuss mass approval from the senate was the main reason how he gained enough power to take Rome to the next level and fully solidify it as a world power and one of the greatest Empires in world history. Augustuss speeches to the senate, was one of the ways in which he gained the respect as a leader. Having attained my highest hopes, members of the senate, what more have I to ask of the immortal gods that I may retain the same unanimous approval of yours to the very end of my life (page 53, DWP). He was also quite modest in receiving titles and accolades from the senate and by the people. By refusing titles early in his political career, he was perceived to be honest and his intentions to be in the best interest of the Republic and not his own power. However when he did accept the titles given to him and once he saw his power growing, this is when Augustus began to change Rome from the Republic it had been, and into the Empire it is most notably remembered for. The senate remain ed intact and still acted as it did during the past, but unless it gained the approval of Caesar, actions by the senate did not take place. And if someone was elected but was not seen fit to hold the position in the eyes of Caesar than that person would not hold office....yet he took care that no persons should hold office who were unfit or elected as the r...

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