Thursday, October 17, 2019

President Barak Obama and the Health Care Bill Essay

President Barak Obama and the Health Care Bill - Essay Example When it comes to employers, the healthcare bill would excuse some employers. The bill would form independent departments through which start-up businesses can get insurance. However, there have been a lot of current reports criticizing the healthcare recommendation of President Obama. Both the Democrats and Republicans are fearful that it will negatively affect the future generation. The lower- and middle-class feared that being obliged to purchase a healthcare plan will give much pressure on their limited resources, since they will not be qualified to the ‘low income pass’ (Planinz 2009, para 2) of President Obama. Also, conservative health supporters are discouraged that the plan of the president does not involve insurance for a lot of kinds of similar medicine (ibid, para 2). Backers of the healthcare bill of the president say that millions of Americans with no health insurance are now being a burden to the economy of the government (Haddy 2010). As said by National C oalition on Health Care, â€Å"The United States spends nearly $100 billion per year to provide uninsured residents with health services, often for preventable diseases or diseases that physicians could treat more efficiently with earlier diagnosis† (Planinz 2009, para 6). The plan of the president only includes the uninsured. ... Most known is an urgent need for policy. Anyway, going back to the employer-based healthcare insurance, there are lots of findings showing that the purpose of generating profit has a part in creating healthcare expenses (Morman 2010). Insurance companies looking for revenues will try to cover individuals who are not sickly. Employers and doctors will, with no payment rules, try to give the highest amount of service they can give for the maximum price (Kinney 2010). There are lots of facts saying that all individuals involved in healthcare will and do act in response to payer regulations intended to lessen costs. Individual suppliers and providers will act towards appeals to create profits without interests to public policy (Haddy 2010). Regulations are developed to lessen price and use. The fact that is not sufficiently reported is how patients are influenced by the minimization in imaging services (Morman 2010). Questionably doctors had less evidence on which to make health-related choices. The major concern is whether they had adequate evidence. There are lots of facts showing the problematic business techniques of all persons involved in healthcare and that these techniques do a lot to ruin an active market for the goods and services of the healthcare sector. Under no situations should the sector of the economy so greatly supported by the taxes paid by the public be permitted to turn into a ‘cash cow’ (Kinney 2010, 407) for businesspeople who are not capable of giving first-rate goods and services at a cheap price in a highly competitive market. But, all the parties concerned appear to be facing lots of difficulties when it comes to agreeing on what actually should be done. Internet

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