Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sara Lee Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sara Lee Corporation - Case Study Example The strategy was also developed so as to allow the company to primarily focus its vital resources on the currently more profitable household products, beverages and foods industries with the aim of strengthening the company’s financial position. By the year 2007, Sara Lee’s Operating Excellence was seen not to be progressing as expected and hence the management introduced a new policy to help optimize the company’s overall productivity by initiating Project Accelerate (Thompson, et al., 243-256). Issues and Problems The seven units that Sara Lee divested generally included European nuts and snacks, direct sales, European and U.S. meats, U.S. retail coffee, European apparel, European Rice and Sara Lee branded apparel. By exiting from the operations of these eight businesses that the company perceived as being mainly nonstrategic, the company essentially followed a strategy that allowed it to increase its share of the corporate profits, due to the fact that most of the business units that the company retrenched were deemed as being unprofitable. By the year 2006, about five of these business units were seen to have negative net profit margins as well as negative operating margins. The European nuts and snacks, and the direct selling unit were essentially the only units that were generally profitable. These two units were experiencing declining operating margins and revenues apart from the increase in margins that they experienced in 2006 (Thompson, et al., 254). The decision to divest the company’s snack operations can be deemed as having been the correct one as the division was only able to produce net profits of about $3 million an amount which would not have resulted in considerably increasing the wealth of the company’s shareholders. In the deal to sell the unit, the company managed to receive about $70 million after taxes, this was a positive development as it was about 22 times the current net profit (Thompson, et al., 248 ). The decision to spin off Hanesbrands can essentially be seen to have resulted in seriously crippling Hanesbrands as it incurred a huge long-term debt that can potentially seriously affect its ability to turn considerable profits in the future (Thompson, et al., 248-249). The decision to sell its direct sales units can generally be regarded as having been a bad decision as the unit was drawing a profit margin of about 27% with an estimated income of about $54 million (Thompson, et al., 247). The direct sales division also served to expose Sara Lee corporation to other markets a factor which could have served to allow the company to potentially find new markets for some of its other products. However, by selling the unit, Sara Lee managed to receive a net gain of about 4 times of the unit’s current profits. An Analysis of Sara Lee Corporation’s Macro-Environment Pestle Analysis of Sara Lee Corporation There are various key factors that can be seen to be affecting Sara Lee’s Corporation’s external environment. Some of these factors include: Political Factors: Some of the main political factors affecting Sara Lee include the various political issues surrounding the company’s strategy of divesting its business operations. Economic Factors: The impact of the recent global recession was seen to have an effect on a number of industries across the world and was seen to also affect the operations of Sara Lee corporation. The company’s bimbo brand of fresh bread that was seen to be the market leader in packaged bread that was sold in Spain with an impressive market share of about 37 percent and was subsequently ranked as being the second-best-selling packaged bread in Spain happened to be rather severely affected by

Monday, October 28, 2019

Problems of Teen Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

Problems of Teen Pregnancy Essay Teenage pregnancy is simply defined teenage girl who became pregnant at an early age. The term connotes that the girl has not reach the legal adulthood before conceiving. Like United States, our country, Philippines also facing this kind of problem. Our government discusses how to prevent and low down the rate of pregnancy especially in the teenagers. Most cases of teenage pregnancies are observed in the lower economic strata of society where there is a lack of knowledge, awareness and facility to address the problem of unintended pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is often associated with an increase rate of delinquent behaviors including alcohol and substance abuse. An absentee parent can create insecurities in children, and depending on the parent’s role in the child’s life, can make some children more prone to crime and other emotional issues. Causes of teen pregnancy and tips to surpass it Family problem affects the thinking ability of a teenager. It makes them to create decisions that they think it’s good for them, they ask advices to their friends than their families. This is also the time that teens are starting to learn to drink alcohol and use prohibited drugs to satisfy their selves and to forget the problems between his/her family. One thing that the teens think can help them to get away from their family is to get pregnant. They act so reckless yet after getting pregnant they’ll come to their parents for the financial support for the baby. If the family problem doesn’t stop that early this will be the reason for the adolescent to pursue their plan in getting pregnant. Their mind is really sober and can’t think well, one of the family members should talk to their family member that is involved on the specific circumstances. Parents have the most important role in the life of a teenager. They are the ones that adolescents look up too whenever they have problems. They must be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of their children. Try to be more supportive than to criticize them. Try to discuss with them some certain issues to reach an outcome that you and your teenager can both accept. Make conversation with them over breakfast and dinner, having heart to heart talk with will help to enlighten their minds and they can think clearly. One factor that leads teen girls to become pregnant is peer pressure. Many teens sexualize themselves or engage in behavior for which they are not yet ready because they want to fit in or be popular. Peer pressure to engage in sexual activity is so common, a variety of terms refer to the behavior, such as hooking up, booty calls or referring to someone as a friend with benefits. If you’re a parent, consider the impact that peer pressure could have on her decisions, and the potential ramifications of this impact. Any teen succumb to pressure to have sex. All teens have sexual urges especially boys, they engage in sex before they are ready. Popular teens are also vulnerable. Some of the typical peer pressures that teenagers face are drugs, smoking, alcohol, sex and dangerous driving. If their friends value having sex, then they are likely to have sex, too. Many times these teens let their friends influence their decision to have sex even when they do not fully understand the consequences associated with the act. Still others find it easier to give in and have sex than to try to explain why not. Some teenagers get caught up in the romantic feelings and believe having sex is the best way they can prove their love. Most teenagers experience sudden and hitherto unknown emotions and feelings during their early puberty. They feel a natural sense of rebelling against the set norms as well. All this, coupled with a sudden sense of new-found freedom and sexuality, results in many of them giving vent to their feelings through sexual expressions and experiences. The only way they could probably achieve that would be by having a boyfriend or girlfriend or at least by dating and indulging in sexual acts often. This kind of rash behavior could lead to unintended pregnancies. When you feel threaten and pressure, you must stop and ignore them. These people will bring the worst out of you. Find a substitute and affirming friend, it’s good to have friends who can affirm you. Develop a sense of humor; crack a joke and everyone’s going to admire you. Be prepared, make a plan and be prepared for the times you’ll face peer pressure. Most teens do not want to become pregnant; they are still becoming so as a result of sexual activity. While actual force to have sex is rare, many teenage girls (especially those under the age of 15) feel pressured to have sex. Rape does happen and is one of the reasons that teen pregnancies occur. Rape by boyfriends, family members and even strangers can result in teen pregnancy. 50 60% of teens were molested prior to their first pregnancy, 50% of perpetrators were family members. To avoid rape, avoid walking alone as much as possible. Be mentally prepared. Always carry pepper spray and learn self defense. Ways of Preventing Teen Parenthood Teenage pregnancy is a rather frightening reality that can change your life in an instant. The good news is that teenage pregnancy is avoidable: By not having sex, you never risk getting pregnant. If you do decide to have sex, its best to stay informed about what you can do to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Abstinence also protects people form STDs. This way helps teenagers to refrain from getting pregnant. Also prevents pregnancy by keeping the sperm out of the vagina. For us, abstinence is the safest way of preventing pregnancy. It has many benefits, it has no medical and hormonal side effects and it is free. Teenagers can used this method to focus on school, career and family. Any woman or man can abstain from sex play. Many do so at various times in their lives. Teen girls are more likely to get pregnant if they have limited or no guidance from their parents. Many parents have busy lives that prevent them from providing the guidance and support that their young teenagers need to make good decisions on issues such as sex. If you’re a parent, talking to your children will have a big effect on them especially when you’re talking about intercourse. Communicating with your children about sex, love, and relationships is often more successful when you are clear in your own mind about these issues. Start the conversation, and make sure that it is honest, open, and respectful. Many inexpensive books and videos are available to help with any detailed information you might need, but don’t let your lack of technical information make you shy. If you’re a teenager, ask advices to the people you trust. Let them clarify issues about pregnancy and sex. Don’t be shy asking your parents about it. Being open to them will keep you away from the risk of getting pregnant. The effectiveness of birth control methods is critically important for reducing the risk of unintended pregnancy. Effectiveness can be measured during â€Å"perfect use,† when the method is used correctly and consistently as directed, or during â€Å"typical use,† which is how effective the method is during actual use (including inconsistent and incorrect use). Using contraceptives helps those to refrain to avoid pregnancy also some contraceptives are good for health. You can use injectable progestin; this method is extremely effective since all thats required of a woman is to return to her health care provider for a shot every three months. Males can use male condoms; these are thin tube made of latex. This is the best contraception to avoid having STDs. Psychological Effect of Teen Pregnancy Its common for pregnant teens to feel a range of emotions, such as fear, anger, guilt, confusion, and sadness. It may take a while to adjust to the fact that youre going to have a baby. Its a huge change, and its natural for pregnant teens to wonder whether theyre ready to handle the responsibilities that come with being a parent. A. Emotional Effect 1. Initial Excitement Some teenagers are excited to bear a child, especially when it is their first pregnancy. They are excited to see their baby. Others are excited to buy clothes and other things for the baby. They think of names for the baby. 2. Confuse Some are confused and at a loss on what to do. They are too young and many have no idea about bearing a child. 3. Afraid Some are scared. They think of questions like, â€Å"How should I tell my parents? † â€Å"How will I face my classmates? † or â€Å"What is the best thing to do to solve this problem? † They are afraid to answer these questions. They feel scared on what will be the reactions of their parents. 4. Frustrated Pregnant teenagers will realize that they are not yet ready to bear a child when it’s already late. 5. Hopelessness Low self-esteem increases vulnerability and decreases her ability to refuse to go along with risky sexual behaviors. 6. Denial – Some teenagers just neglect and abandoning her/his baby. 7. Worries about the future – Several uncertainties may arise. She may start worrying how would she dealing with the baby herself. 8. Mood Swings Its very common to have mood swings during pregnancy. Some girls may also experience depression during pregnancy or after delivery. B. Mental Effect of Early Pregnancy 1. Depression It is common among pregnant teenager who is desperate to solve their problems. Some teenagers try to solve their problem by abortion and suicide. Abortion, it is the removal of a fetus from the mother’s womb. Abortion is illegal. About 300,000 to 500,000 women undergo abortion every year. Article 256, 258 and 259 in the Revised Penal Code of the Philippine penalize women who undergo abortion and others who help her with imprisonment. Some teenager, however, think that abortion is a way to solve their problem. Medical Risk A woman of any age is pregnant and unaware of it is likely not to get the nutrition she needs to sustain both herself and her unborn child. Part of what boosts the rate of mortalities in teen births is that, worldwide, teens have a higher rate of premature birth and low birth-weight babies. Many researchers believe that this is due to a lack of adequate prenatal care, either because teen mothers are too scared or lack the financial resources to seek out medical help. Many wait until the third trimester to see a doctor, which raises levels of anemia and nutritional deficiencies in young mothers. Because of this lack of early care, children of teen mothers are more likely to suffer from health issues and to be hospitalized within their first year of life. Prematurity plays the greatest role in low birth weight, but intrauterine growth retardation (inadequate growth of the fetus during pregnancy) is also a factors. The younger a mother is below age 20, the greater the risk of her infant dying during the first year of life. It is very important for pregnant teens to have early and adequate prenatal care. Factors can be divided into maternal and fetal. Maternal factors include age (younger than age 15, older than age 35); weight (pre-pregnancy weight under 100 lb or obesity); height (under five feet); history of complications during previous pregnancies (including stillbirth, fetal loss, preterm labor and/or delivery, small-for-gestational age baby, large baby, pre-eclampsia or eclampsia); more than five previous pregnancies; bleeding during the third trimester; abnormalities of the reproductive tract; uterine fibroids; hypertension. Premature may have problems with his or her vision, digestion, and respiratory. Children born to teenage mothers are less likely to receive proper nutrition, health care, and cognitive and social stimulation. As a result, they are at risk for lower academic achievement. Teens are more at risk for certain problems during pregnancy, such as anemia, high blood pressure, and giving birth earlier than usual (called premature delivery). Clinic-focused programs provide easier access to information, counseling by health care providers, and contraceptive services. Many of these programs are offered through school-based clinics. See a doctor as soon as possible after you’ve found out that you are pregnant to begin prenatal care. Take vitamin supplements that are recommended by your doctor to support you and your baby’s health. Avoid the intakes of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. Using illegal drugs such as cocaine or marijuana during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, prematurity, and other medical problems. Babies can also be born addicted to certain drugs. Socioeconomic Problems Throughout the developed world, teenage pregnancy is more common among young people who have been disadvantaged in childhood and have low expectations of education or the job market. Socio-economic circumstances seem to play a major role in rates of teen pregnancy. There may be a growing â€Å"lost generation† of young people who see no reason not to get pregnant. Teens coming from poor economic status and single parents are more likely to participate in risky sexual behaviors. For some disadvantaged youth, particularly for girls whose self esteem tends to drop as they mature, sexuality may be all they have to value. Children of teenage parents are more likely to have problems and to eventually become teenage parents themselves, thus perpetuating the cycle of poverty begun by a teenage birth. It is widely acknowledged that health and social status are intimately related such that individuals in higher social classes are healthier and live longer than those in lower classes. This is true regardless of whether income, education or another socioeconomic indicator is used and regardless of the health outcome used. Teen mothers are less likely to complete the education necessary to qualify for a well-paying job —only 38 percent of mothers who have children before age 18 obtain a high school diploma. This disparity in education, not surprisingly, tends to affect income level. Teenage mothers and fathers tend to have less education and are more likely to live in poverty than their peers who are not teen parents. Babies born to teen mothers are more likely to have health problems at birth, do poorly in school, do time in jail and also become teen parents. Teen pregnancy is the leading cause of females dropping out of high school. Furthermore, less than 2 percent of teen mothers attain a college degree by age 30. Because of their lower education status, teen mothers on average earn lower incomes than their peers, and are thus more likely to be in poverty. Unmarried mothers of all ages reported most dissatisfaction with educational achievement. With the little income of both parents, it’s very difficult to provide with the required nutrition and care. It’s very difficult for teenage mother and father to support themselves and their baby. As their education is cut short, it’s very difficult for teenage parents to find decent job. Some parents just abandoned their child to escape the poverty. Teen Fathers The adolescent father faces immediate developmental crises, which include completing the developmental task of adolescence making a transition to parenthood, and sometimes adopting to marriage. These transitions can be stressful. The decision to include the young father in all aspects of the care is based on assessment in the following four areas: (1) the couple’s relationship; (2) levels of stress, concern, and coping; (3) educational and vocational goals; and (4) the level of health education knowledge. Adolescent fathers need support to discuss their emotional responses to the pregnancy. The father’s feelings of guilt, powerlessness, or bravado should be recognize because of their negative consequences for the parents and the child. Counseling the adolescent fathers needs to be reality oriented. Topics such as finances, child care, parenting skills, and the father’s role in the birth experience must be discussed. Teenage fathers also need to know about reproductive physiology and birth control options as well as safer sex practices. The adolescent father may continue to be involved in an ongoing relationship with the young mother and his baby. In many instances, he also plays an important role in the decisions about child care and raising the child. He is encouraged to use coping mechanisms that are not detrimental to his own, his parent’s, or his child’s well-being. Fathers can experience postpartum depression. There is a lot of advice out there for girls who find them facing an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy but there is very little information out there for guys. It takes two to make a baby but all too often when the pregnancy is announced the guy gets lost in the confusion. But teen fatherhood is not something to be taken lightly and along with responsibilities to the mother and the child you have rights that you need to know about. Teen fathers are more likely to get involved with criminal behavior, including alcohol and drug abuse, and drug dealing. Depending on their age, teen fathers can also face charges of statutory rape. Teen fathers earn less over time than men who have children at an older age. Over time, teen fathers earn 10 to 15 percent less annually than male teens that wait to have children. A young fathers financial insecurity or confusion about child care was most likely to lead to a stated disinterest, and that disinterest predicted uninvolvement. .To be a good teen father you can do the following: Choosing to stand by your baby is a big deal and shows that you definitely have the potential for the job. If you are still in a relationship with the mother of the child then that’s great, you can work together to be good parents and raise a happy child. Be sure to support the mother through the pregnancy, it is a very difficult time for her and her body is changing in a big way. Try and have some sort of balance, if you are working constantly you will never get to see your child. Teenage fathers should be a role model to their baby. They are the one shaping the characteristic of their children. Teen Mothers The very young adolescent mother is inexperienced and unprepared to recognize the early sign of illness, potential danger, or household hazards. She may inadvertently neglect her child. The higher mortality rates among the infants of adolescent mother are attributed to the inexperience, lack of knowledge, and immaturity of the mothers, causing them to unable to recognize a problem and obtain the necessary resources to rectify the situation. Nevertheless, in most instances, with adequate and developmentally appropriate teaching, Adolescents can learn effective parenting skills. The transition to parenthood may be difficult to adolescent parents. Coping with the developmental task of parenthood is often complicated by the unmet developmental needs and tasks of adolescents. Some young parents may experience difficulty accepting a changing self image and adjusting to new roles related to the responsibilities of infant care. Other adolescent parents, however, may have higher self concepts than their non-parenting peers. As adolescent parents move through the transition to parenthood, they may feel different from their peers, excluded from fun activities, and prematurely forced to enter an adult social role. The conflict between their own desires and the infant’s demands, in addition to the low tolerance for frustration that is typical of adolescents, further contribute to the normal psychosocial stress of child birth. Maintaining a relationship with the baby’s father is beneficial for the teen mother and her infant the involvement of the baby’s father is related to appropriate maternal behaviors and positive mother-infant relationship. Adolescent mothers provide warm and attentive physical care; however, they use less verbal interaction than do older parents, and adolescents tend to be less responsive to interact less positively with their infants than do older mothers. In comparison with adult mothers, teenage mothers have a limited knowledge of child development. They tend to expect too much of their children too soon and often characterize their infants as being fussy. This limited knowledge may cause teenagers to respond to their infants inappropriately. Sex Education Comprehensive sex education can for the most part be considered to people as having no effect on teens to avoid sex, but others can see it has a way to decrease teen pregnancies in America. According to Advocates for Youth (2009), comprehensive sex education programs helped youth â€Å"delay onset of sexual activity, reduce the frequency of sexual activity, reduce number of sexual partners, and increase condom and contraceptive use. † An important component of an ongoing sex is effective communication with parents. When peers are the primary source of sexual information, it is transmitted and exchanged in secret conversation and contains a large amount of misinformation. Adolescent need precise and concrete information that we allow then to answer questions such as â€Å"What if I start my period in the middle of class? † or â€Å"How can I keep people from telling I have an erection? † it is important to tell them what they want to know and what they can expect to happen as they became mature sexually.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sibling Rivalry :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every now and then, someone wishes for something without weighing out all of the pros and cons. We don’t usually hear someone say, â€Å" I wish I had to fight for a hot shower, hide brushes, hunt for clothes, and struggle to use the phone.† But, we do hear them say, â€Å" I wish I had some brothers and sisters.† Believe it or not, each of these statements means the exact same thing. I should know. I lived with four females in one house for seventeen years. Needless to say, each and every day was a war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every morning at five a.m., the alarm clock would sound to start the â€Å"Lowry House Derby.â€Å" Each of us would jump from our beds and flee to the bathroom. It was imperative to reach the shower first or at least be second in line because of the limited hot water supply. The other three were doomed to make a decision, an icy cold bath or no bath. Second was the always-dreaded task of finding a brush. We all bought brushes on a regular basis and even branded them with our names, but come morning time they had all grown legs and walked away. If one of us did find a brush the discovery was kept quiet until we finished using it. Then, the brush was given to whoever hadn’t, yet, stepped on our toes that morning. Next, we had the occasional borrowing-of-the-clothes-without-asking. This made getting dressed a time consuming and ill-mannered task. Spots, tears, and even color fading were blamed on the borrower. Finally, as each of us raced out the door, to s chool and work, the â€Å"Lowry House Derby† took a short break.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As we arrived back home from our eight-hour obligations, the derby would slowly resume its course. Now, it was time to flee toward the phone. We all had an emergency use for the phone that was, somehow, always more important than the other’s. Next, came time for homework. This was one of the few times we would pull together. We would each help with subjects that baffled the others. After our study time, the race to the bathroom would be on again. Though, this time it was to wash our faces and brush our teeth. This bathroom race took a lot longer than the morning shower pursuit. We all had to wash, exfoliate, mask, and moisturize our faces, not to mention floss, gargle, and brush our teeth.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Humorous Wedding Speech †Best Man :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Humorous Wedding Speech – Best Man Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen - I would like to start by thanking Steve for saying such nice things about me during his speech, though I must admit, I did deserve them. I mean, where would a bridegroom be without his best man? The friend at hand when he couldn’t find the rings. The reassuring voice in his ear when it looked like it might rain. And the chaperone who persuaded him to leave the strip club last night. Actually, I believe it was this morning! I think we all agree that Linda looks fantastic today, a number one hit if ever there was one. And Steve’s looking a bit like a chart-topper himself in that suit – although I’m not sure from which year. As for the bridesmaids, they look wonderful, and have performed their duties splendidly. It can't have been easy dragging Linda to the church – it certainly wasn't easy dragging Steve. We have now reached that pivotal moment in the speech where I am meant – in good taste – to put the groom down. However, when the subject of my speech cropped up during the meal, and my obligation to discuss Steve, Linda made me promise that I restrict myself to speaking only of the good things about her husband. Because a one-minute speech would seem ridiculous, I’ve decided to change course completely. And tell you about how we came to be sitting here today. Steve and Linda met five years ago in a very, very romantic location - the Hippodrome nightclub in Exeter. This place was renowned for being the hangout of drunken wide boys and white stiletto girls, so it was pure coincidence that they met on that fateful night. Steve had nearly given up hope of ever pulling a girl when he caught a glimpse of Linda across a crowded dance floor. I can see now, lying there. She smiled and shouted hello but the music swallowed her voice before it could reach him. He untucked his jeans from his florescent socks and casually strolled over to her as she slid through the crowd to meet him. With their arms wrapped tightly around each other, the two danced into the night, igniting a passion that threatened to engulf them both. When the music stopped, the legendary silver tongue – legendary in the sense that it only exists in Steve’s imagination – took over: ‘Are you lost, love?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to Teach Language Through Poetry

The use of literature in the EFL classroom through three different perspectives. Exploring poetry as a strong option.. Most of the time literature is mainly related to reading and writing, but it may play the same meaningful role in teaching speaking and listening if we design creative activities. Teachers can use literature in the classroom for different purposes such as reading aloud and dramatizing a poem, teaching pronunciation, and many other activities. There are many advantages of using literature in the EFL classroom.To talk about the general advantages of literature can be a broad approach thus; we will not focus on them. Instead, we will have a look at the benefits from three different perspectives: literature as genuine and authentic material, as a good language source and as a bridge to get the learner interested and also, we will mention poetry as a strong option to develop students’ skills. MATERIAL Literature is authentic material that makes students travel to f oreign countries and fantastic worlds. This keeps our students motivated and promotes favorable attitude toward learning.Poems, novels, and stories can bring powerful emotional responses to the classroom. Furthermore, students can relate their own real lives to the stories they read. Literary texts help EFL students to improve language learning. However, literature by itself is not enough; teachers need to use imaginative techniques for integrating literature work with language teaching. It is also necessary to bring motivating methodology and to choose the right material to keep students interested. LANGUAGE Language is the most prominent feature of literature.Through literature students learn about syntax and discourse, different structures, functions, and the different ways of connecting ideas, all these help students to develop their writing, listening, reading and speaking skills. As they use literature they learn about language structure without even noticing, this helps to de velop their communicative competence, what as we know, is the ultimate aim of English learning. LEARNER In the classroom the use of literature encourages learners to get involved ith the stories they read or hear; the understanding of the words becomes less important as they get involved in trying to figure out what is happening with a character or the end of a story. Students may also like using literature if the activities are oriented towards enjoyment and creativity instead of memorizing or following grammatical rules. Literature can be seen as the bridge between the learner and the culture of the people whose language they are studying; in order to get the learners interested in the culture, we have to carefully select the literary texts according to their interests and level of comprehension.WHY DO WE USE POETRY WITH THE LANGUAGE LEARNER? Poetry is a short piece of imaginative writing, of a personal nature and laid out in lines. In this sense, poetry is a product of the langua ge and a tool to teach it, a tool to teach grammatical clues and a product when students make a composition of any topic. Most of the poems include metaphors. Students can use cognitive skills by making comparisons between two different things and finding their similarities. The figures of speech used in poetry such as metaphors, similes and personifications help students to have a better understanding of the use of language in an unconscious way.Poetry is a way for teaching and learning basic skills. It can be used as an enjoyable and a rewarding tool with the properties of rhyming and rhythm. It helps students to easily learn with the supra-segmental aspect of the target language, such as stress, pitch, intonation. Using poetry while teaching English can have many benefits: * It encourages creative writing. * It helps students appreciate sounds words and patterns. * It develops phonic skills. * It makes students express feelings and opinions. * It provides a great opportunity to p lay with language. It reinforces the ability to think and to experiment with students’ understanding of the world. * It helps to acquire vocabulary, creativity and imagination. * it reveals, restates, reinforces and affirms those things which we think are true. * It gives the chance to discover and explore the use of the language. * It generates collaborative activities (pair and group work). Poetry and the four skills We can develop the four skills while using poetry: Poems are good to reinforce grammar structures and to improve writing abilities, bringing out creativity and rhythm in the classroom since students have to use their imagination to write.Also, poems help to develop oral and mental capacities. They should be read aloud to reinforce the student’s phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and vocabulary as well as to sharpen their receptive language skills by learning rhyming, sounds, stresses, pauses, alliteration and syllables. Ideas for using poetry in the c lassroom * Discussing the theme of a poem and writing out personal experiences related to the theme. * Deducing meanings from the context. * Completing a paraphrase of a poem (cloze-style). * Choosing the best paraphrase among a few. Predicting what’s coming next after reading only one verse at a time. * Ordering jumbled stanzas or lines in the correct sequence. * Rewriting a part of a poem in one’s own words and ideas to offer different messages. * Filling an omitted word, phrase, or line in relation to its context. * Discussing similarities and differences between poems of the same subject or theme. * Identifying any aural or musical qualities in the poem (rhyme, alliteration, and simile). * Reading aloud poems (choral reading) and making a song. This teaches intonations and stress. Using visuals images such as paintings to help pupils envisage settings, historical periods, etc. * Imitating o parody the style of poem. * Acting the poem: mime, role play, performance, etc. * Making a peer or group composition, writing together. Useful Web sites www. readwritethink. org/lessons/lesson_view. asp? id=391 www. poetryteachers. comh www. poetry4kids. com www. poetryzone. co. uk www. michellehenry. fr/poems. htm www. poemhunter. com www. tooter4kids. com/classroom/poetry_in_the_esl_classroom. htm www. teachingenglish. org. uk/think/literature/poems_prod. html http://www. youtube. com/user/b4uguy#g/u Conclusions Using poetry in the classroom is a great tool, but we cannot forget that we have to choose the right material, so students can maximize their learning. It has to be interesting and adequate for each student level, reading about new things is usually interesting for students. Learners will benefit from literature; we are responsible of putting in touch our students with material that catches their interest, so they want to read and listen more, which turns out in further and richer learning.Also, it can create opportunities for personal expression as well as reinforce learner? s knowledge of lexical and grammatical structure giving the opportunity to develop their communicative and cognitive skills. Many teachers think that including poetry in the EFL classroom can be a very heavy and useless work. However, we have analyzed some of the benefits that working with poetry can bring to the learning process. Also, we pointed that not only it is useful but also, students can have great fun if we choose the correct activities and poems.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

New Place, Shakespeares Home in Stratford-upon-Avon

New Place, Shakespeares Home in Stratford-upon-Avon ​When Shakespeare retired from London around 1610, he spent the last few years of his life in New Place, one of Stratford-upon-Avon’s largest houses, which he purchased in 1597. Unlike Shakespeare’s birthplace on Henley Street, New Place was pulled down in the 18th century. Today, Shakespeare fans can still visit the site of the house which has now been turned into an Elizabethan garden. Nash’s House, the building next door, still remains and serves as a museum dedicated to Tudor life and New Place. Both sites are cared for by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.​ New Place New Place, once described as a â€Å"pretty house of brick and timber,† was built towards the end of the 15th century and bought by Shakespeare in 1597 although he did not live there until his retirement from London in 1610. On display in the adjoining museum is a sketch of New Place by George Vertue showing the main house (where Shakespeare lived) enclosed by a courtyard. These street-facing buildings would have been the servant’s quarters. Francis Gastrell New Place was demolished and rebuilt in 1702 by the new owner. The house was rebuilt in brick and stone but it only survived another 57 years. In 1759, the new owner, Reverend Francis Gastrell, quarreled with the town authorities over taxation and Gastrell had the house permanently demolished in 1759. New Place was never again rebuilt and only the foundations of the house remain. Shakespeare’s Mulberry Tree Gastrell also caused controversy when he removed Shakespeare’s mulberry tree. It is said that Shakespeare planted a mulberry tree in the gardens of New Place, which posthumously attracted visitors. Gastrell complained that it made the house damp and he had it chopped for firewood or perhaps Gastrell wanted to deter the visitors! Thomas Sharpe, an enterprising local clockmaker and carpenter, bought most of the wood and carved Shakespeare mementos from it. The museum in Nash’s House displays some of the artifacts said to be made from Shakespeare’s mulberry tree.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to get an Order of Protection

How to get an Order of Protection What do you do when you feel unsafe with someone in your family or household? Contacting law enforcement and getting an order of protection may be for you.   The Facts An order of protection (also called a restraining order) is an official legal document, signed by a judge, that is filed against a current or former family member or household member or other similar relationship. The order forces that individual to keep at a distance and is intended to prevent his or her abusive behavior toward you. Enforceable in court, it can be drafted to meet your specific needs as they apply to your situation. How It Works An order of protection can require the abuser to stay away from you and limit other forms of access; it can prevent the abuser from contacting you by phone, cell phone text messages, email, mail, fax, or third parties. It can force the abuser to move out of your home, give you exclusive use of your car, and award you temporary custody of your children along with child support, spousal support, and the continuation of insurance coverage. If the order of protection is violated by the abuser- if he or she visits you at home, in the workplace, or anywhere else or makes phone calls, sends emails, or attempts to contact you- the abuser can be arrested and placed in jail. How to Obtain One To get an order of protection, you have several options. You can contact the states or district attorney or inform the police that you wish to apply for an order of protection. You can also go to the county in which you or your abuser resides, and ask the court clerk for Order of Protection forms, which must be filled out. After the paperwork is filed, a hearing date will be set (typically within 14 days) and you will be required to appear in court on that day. The hearing may take place either in family court or criminal court. The judge will ask you to prove that you have experienced abuse or been threatened with violence. Witnesses, police reports, hospital and physician reports, and evidence of physical abuse or assault are often necessary to convince the judge to issue an order of protection. Physical evidence of abuse such as injuries caused by abuse or photos that show past injuries, property damage, or objects used in the assault will help make your case. How It Protects You The order of protection provides you an opportunity to define your safety needs. If children are involved, you can request custody and restrictions on visitation or no contact orders. Whenever the abuser violates the terms of the order of protection, you should call the police. Once you obtain one, it is imperative that you make multiple copies of the document. It is important that you carry a copy of your order protection at all times, particularly if you have children and there are custody and visitation limitations. Sources â€Å"Domestic Violence.†Ã‚  American Bar Association,â€Å"Obtaining an Order of Protection.†Ã‚  FamilyEducation, 25 July 2006,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Women Smile Essay Essays

Why Women Smile Essay Essays Why Women Smile Essay Paper Why Women Smile Essay Paper After smiling brightly for about four decennaries. I now find myself seeking to discontinue. Or. at the really least. seeking to take down the electrical power a spot. Not everyone I know is acute on this. My smiling has gleamed like a inexpensive plastic night-light so long and so faithfully that certain friends and relations worry that my temper will darken the minute my smiling dims. â€Å"Gee. † one says. â€Å"I associate you with your smiling. It’s the kernel of you. I should believe you’d want to smile more! † But the people who love me best agree that my smiling which springs Forth no affair where I am or how I feel-hasn’t been functioning me good. Said my hubby late. â€Å"Your smiling face and well-meaning demeanours make people like you in a fuzzed manner. but that doesn’t seen’ ; to be what you’re after these yearss. † Smiles are non the little and innocuous things they appear to be: Too many of us smile in st ead of demoing what’s truly on our heads. Indeed. the success of the women’s motion might be measured by the sincerity-and deficiency of it-in our smilings. Despite all the work we American adult females have done to acquire and keep full legal control of our organic structures. non to advert our fates. we still don’t seem to be to the full in charge of a twosome of little musculus groups in our faces. We smile so frequently and so promiscuously-when we’re angry. when we’re tense. when we’re with kids. when we’re being photographed. when we’re questioning for a occupation. when we’re meeting campaigners to employ-that the Smiling Woman has become a peculiarly American original. This isn’t wholly a bad thing. of class. A smiling lightens the burden. diffuses unpleasantness. redistributes nervous tenseness. Women physicians smile more than their male opposite numbers. surveies show. and are better liked by their patients. Oscar Wilde’s old saw that â€Å"a woman’s face is her work of fiction† is frequently quoted to remind us that what’s on the surface may hold small connexion to what we’re feeling. What is it in our civilization that keeps our smilings on automatic pilot? The behaviour seems to be an equal blend of nature and raising. Research has demonstrated that since females frequently mature earlier than males and are less cranky. misss smile more than male childs from the really get downing. But by adolescence. the differences in the smiling rates of male childs and misss are so robust that it’s clear the civilization has done more than its portion of the soiled work. Just think of the female parents who fastidiously embroidered the words ENTER SMILING on small sampling stations. and so hung their handicraft on doors by aureate ironss. Translation: â€Å"Your existent emotions aren’t welcome here. † Clearly. our inherent aptitudes are another factor. Our smilings have their roots in the salutations of monkeys. who pull their lips up and back to demo their fright of onslaught. every bit good as their reluctance to compete for a place of laterality. And like the phalanger caught in the visible radiation by the clattering refuse tins. we. excessively. brassy toothy faces when we make major errors. By declaring ourselves non-threatening. our smilings provide an highly various agencies of protection. Our earliest babe smilings are nonvoluntary physiological reactions holding merely the vaguest connexion to contentment or comfort. In short. we’re genetically wired to draw on our parents’ heartstrings. As Desmond Morris explains in Babywatching. this is our manner of attaching ourselves to our caretakers. every bit genuinely as babe Pan troglodytess clench their mothers’ pelt. Even as babes we’re capable of projecting onto others ( in this instance. our parents ) the feelings we know we need to acquire back in return. Bona fide societal smilings occur at two-and-a-half to three months of age. normally a few hebdomads after we foremost get down staring with intense involvement into the faces of our parents. By the clip we are six months old. we are smiling and express joying on a regular basis in reaction to titillating. eatings. blown raspberries. clinchs. and peekaboo games. Even babes who are born blind intuitively cognize how to respond to enjoyable a lterations with a smiling. though their first smilings start subsequently than those of sighted kids. Psychologists and head-shrinkers have noted that babes besides smile and laugh with alleviation when they realize that something they thought might be unsafe is non unsafe after all. Kids Begin to ask for their parents to indulge them with â€Å"scary† approach-avoidance games ; they love to be chased or tossed up into the air. ( It’s interesting to observe that as grownups. we go through the same gosh-that’ s-shocking-and-dangerous-but -it’ s-okay-to-laugh -and-smile rhythms when we listen to raunchy stand-up comics. ) From the natural states of New Guinea to the pavements of New York. smilings are associated with joy. alleviation. and amusement. But smilings are by no agencies limited to the look of positive emotions: Peoples of many different civilizations smile when they are frightened. embarrassed. angry. or suffering. In Japan. for case. a smiling is frequently used to conceal hurting or sorrow. Psychologist Paul Ekman. the caput of the University of California’s Human Interaction Lab in San Francisco. has identified 18 distinguishable types of smilings. including those that show wretchedness. conformity. fright. and disdain. The smiling of true gaiety. which Dr. Ekman calls the Duchenne Smile. after the nineteenth century French physician who foremost studied it. is characterized by heightened circulation. a feeling of excitement. and the employment of two major facial musculuss: the zygomaticus major of the lower face. and the orbicularis eye. which crinkles the tegument around the eyes. But since the mean American woman’s smiling frequently has less to make with her existent province of felicity than it does with the societal force per unit area to smile no affair what. her baseline societal smiling isn’t apt to be a felt look that engages the eyes like this. Ekman insists that if people learned to read smilings. they could see the unhappiness. wretchedness. or hurting lurking at that place. field as twenty-four hours. Obviously. a woman’s happy. willing respect is something the universe wants visibly demonstrated. Woe to the waitress. the personal helper or receptionist. the flight attender. or any other adult female in the line of public service whose smiling is non offered up to the foreman or client as cogent evidence that there are no storm clouds-no childs to back up. no sleep that’s been missed-rolling into the cheery workplace landscape. Womans are expected to smile no affair where they line up on the societal. cultural. or economic ladder: College professors are criticized for non smiling. political partners are pilloried for being excessively serious. and women’s functions in movies have historically been smiling 1s. It’s small admiration that work forces on the street still name out. â€Å"Hey. babe. smiling! Life’s non that bad. is it? † to adult females go throughing by. lost in idea. A friend remembers being pulled aside by a instructor after category and asked. â€Å"What is incorrect. dear? You sat there for the whole hr looking so sad! † â€Å"All I could calculate. † my friends says now. â€Å"is that I wasn’t smiling. And the fact that she felt sorry for me for looking normal made me experience atrocious. † Ironically. the societal Torahs that govern our smilings have wholly reversed themselves over the last 2. 000 old ages. Women weren’t ever expected to look alive and antiphonal ; in fact. immoderate laughter was one time considered one of the more conspicuous frailties a adult female could hold. and hilarity was downright iniquitous. Womans were unbroken apart. in some civilizations even veiled. so that they couldn’t perpetuate Eve’s seductive. evil work. The lone smiling deemed appropriate on a privileged woman’s face was the serene. inward smiling of the Virgin Mary at Christ’s birth. and ev en that look was best directed entirely at immature kids. Cackling laughter and wicked hilarities were the sorts of sounds heard merely in snake pit. What we know of women’s facial looks in other centuries comes largely from spiritual Hagiographas. codifications of etiquette. and portrait pictures. In 15th century Italy. it was customary for creative persons to paint lovely. blank-faced adult females in profile. A spectator could gaze infinitely at such a adult female. but she could non stare back. By the Renaissance. male creative persons were taking some pleasance in picturing adult females with a gloss of complexness. Leonardo district attorney Vinci’s Mona Lisa. with her veiled puzzling smiling. being the most celebrated illustration. The Golden Age of the Dutch Republic marks a absorbing period for analyzing women’s facial looks. While we might anticipate the bibulous immature prostitutes of Amsterdam to smile diabolically ( unchecked gender and prurience were supposed to muddle the encephalon ) . it’s the faces of the Dutch adult females from all right households that surprise us. Considered socially more free. these adult females demonstrate a Fuller scope of facial looks than their European sisters. Frans Hals’s 1622 portrayal of Stephanus Geraerdt and Isabella Coymans. a married twosome. is singular non merely for the full. friendly smilings on each face. but for the Frank and common pleasance the twosome take in each other. In the 1800s. sprightly. pretty adult females began looking in advertizements for everything from drinks to those newfangled Kodak Land cameras. Women’s faces were no longer stolid. and their willingness to confer position. to offer. suggestion. and output. was most decidedly promoted by their smile images. The civilization appeared to hold turned the smiling. originally a bond shared between confidants. into a socially required show that sold capitalist political orientation every bit good as kitchen contraptions. And female viewing audiences shortly began to emulate these extremely idealised images. Many longed to be more like her. that perpetually smiling female. She seemed so beautiful. So content. So whole. By the center of the nineteenth century. the majority of America’s smile load was falling chiefly to adult females and Afro-american slaves. supplying a really portable agencies of protection. a manner of stating. â€Å"I’m harmless. I won’t assert myself here. † It reassured those in power to see marks of gratitude and contentment in the faces of subsidiaries. As long ago as 1963. advertiser David Ogilvy declared the image of a adult female smiling approvingly at a merchandise cliched. but we’ve yet to acquire the message. Cheerful Americans still look in ads today. smiling slightly less artfully than they smiled during the center of the century. but smiling loosely however. Other states have been slightly loath to import our â€Å"Don’t concern. be happy† American smilings. When McDonald’s opened in Moscow non long ago and when EuroDisney debuted in France last twelvemonth. the Americans involved in both concern ventures complained that they couldn’t acquire the indigens they’d employed to smile worth a darn. Europeans sing the United States for the first clip are frequently surprised at merely how frequently Americans smile. But when you look at our history. the relentless good wit ( or. at any rate. the pretence of it ) falls into position. The American wilderness was developed on the premise that this state had a deficit of people in relation to its possibilities. In states with a more stiff category construction or caste system. fewer people are as captivated by the thought of rapidly winning friends and act uponing people. Here in the States. nevertheless. every alien is a possible associate. Our smilings bring ne w people on board. The American smiling is a democratic version of a curtsey or doffed hat. since. in this land of free peers. we’re non particularly formal about the ways we greet societal higher-ups. The civil rights motion neer addressed the smiling load by name. but activists worked on their ain to put new facial norms. Afro-american males stopped smiling on the streets in the sixtiess. merrily cognizant of the unsettling consequence this action had on the white population. The image of the simpleminded. smiling. white-toothed black was rejected as blatantly racialist. and it bit by bit retreated into the distance. However. like the adult females of Sparta and the married womans of samurai. who were expected to look happy upon larning their boies or hubbies had died in conflict. modern-day American adult females have yet to one-sidedly declare their faces their ain belongings. For case. conceive of a adult female at a forenoon concern meeting being asked if she could do a self-generated and concise summing up of a complicated undertaking she’s been fighting to acquire under control for months. She might pull the terminal of her oral cavity back and clinch her dentitions – Eek! – in a protective response. a polite. restrained look of her surprise. non unlike the look of a painstaking immature schoolgirl being told to acquire out paper and pencil for a dad quiz. At the same clip. the adult female might be experiencing resentful of the supervisor who sprang the petition. but she fears taking that individual on. So she holds back a remark. The whole public presentation resolutenesss in a eldritch smile fall ining into a nervous smiling that conveys uncomfortableness and unpreparedness. A pointed comment by manner of account or self-defense might’ve worked better for her – but her oral cavity was otherwise engaged. We’d do good to recognize merely how much our smilings misrepresent us. and curse off for good the self-deprecating smiles and ritual shows of respect. Real smilings have good physiological effects. harmonizing to Paul Ekman. False 1s do nil for us at all. â€Å"Smiles are every bit of import as sound bites on telecasting. † insists manufacturer and media coach Heidi Berenson. who has worked with many of Washington’s most celebrated faces. â€Å"And adult females have ever been better at understanding this than work forces. But the smile I’m speaking approximately is non a cutesy smiling. It’s an important smiling. A echt smiling. Properly timed. it’s enormously powerful. † To restrict a adult female to one look is like redacting down an orchestra to one instrument. And the hunt for more reliable agencies of look isn’t easy in a civilization in which adult females are still expected to be greathearted smilers. helpmeets in crisis. and conservators of everybody else’s morale. But alteration is already drifting in the high air currents. We see a blessing in self-asserting female comics who are turn outing that adult females can serve out smilings. non merely have on them. Actress Demi Moore has stated that she doesn’t like to take smiling functions. Nike is running ads that show unsmiling adult females athletes sudating. making. forcing themselves. These adult females aren’t excessively concerned with issues of resonance ; they’re non being â€Å"nice† girls-they’re working out. If a woman’s smiling were genuinely her ain. to be smiled or non. harmonizing to how the adult female felt. instead than harmonizing to what person else needed. she would smile more spontaneously. without subterranean. concealed motivations. As Rainer Maria Rilke wrote in The Journal of My Other Self. â€Å"Her smiling was non meant to be seen by anyone and served its whole intent in being smiled. † That smiling is my long-run purpose. In the interim. I hope to stabilise on the smile continuum someplace between the arousing smile of Farrah Fawcett and the haughty smirk of Jeane Kirkpatrick. Cunningham. Amy. â€Å"Why Women Smile. † The Norton Reader. Shorter Eleventh Edition. Ed. Linda H. Peterson and John C. Brereton. New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 2004. 160-165.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

EPIB of British American Tobacco Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

EPIB of British American Tobacco - Case Study Example BAT Company was founded in 1902, the company acquired different companies in America and the UK to form the current multinational corporation it has evolved to be. Currently BAT is the second biggest procedure of cigarettes in world with an estimated 10.5% of the total global share. PESTEL analysis is used to investigates the vital factors which affects an industry and the influence they have on a particular company or companies operating in that particular industry. PESTEL is means political, Economic, Social, Technological and Legal factors. Political factors entail government policies which are related to the industry, this includes tax policies, regulations and laws, tariffs and restrictions and other factors. The economic factors include the wider economic performance for example economic growth, exchange rates, interest rates and inflation. Social factors on the other hand relates to cultural issues which includes health, population growth, demographics, changes in consumer behaviours and other aspects. Technology factors include the adaptation of new available technology and new ideas such as automation, information technology and rate of technology change. Legal factors comprises of legal procedures, licensing, product legal descriptions and other legal factors. (Hollensen, 2004) Political factors whereby the company have to deal with the political interferences that may be practiced by the UK government. According to research political systems of nations affect the conduct of businesses, for example some countries practice collectivism while others practice capitalism political systems. The UK government practices capitalism in that it allows factors of production to be privately owned and the government performs only limited duties that the private sector cannot perform unlike in collectivism and communism that stresses collective goals. So BAT Company has no restrictions and hence we can conclude that it enjoys good external political environment. (London and Hart, 2004) Economical factors which mainly deals with financial forces in the economic environment. Such factors include foreign exchange rates, currencies and global monetary systems like the use of Euro currency, inflation, counter trade, balance of payments, monetary policies, and fiscal policies among others. After carrying out careful analysis of these factors BAT Company did not face a lot of these challenges with but only was subjected to few of them like inflation and the balance of payments. (Buckley, 2005) Social factors are other factors that the company has to consider before going international. Forces within the society such as religion, family, social structure and education may impact positively or negatively the way BAT Company will market its products. Social factors affect our attitude, opinions and interests on the way we view products from certain companies. (Buckley, 2005) Technological factors are another key factor to be put in consideration before going global. Advanced technologies are now being experienced by many companies as

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethics in Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Ethics in Financial Management - Essay Example In the article discussed in this paper we see how a person in power takes advantage of his position for personal gain. Henry M. Paulson was the Treasury secretary during the Bush Administration. He was also a major shareholder of Goldman Sachs. Mr. Paulson wanted to make it seem as if his ethical standards were implacable. He sold all his shares of Goldman Sachs and vowed not to get involved in any issues associated with the investment banking sector since he had many friends and colleagues in the industry. Getting involved in issues associated with the investment banking sector would constitute a conflict of interest ethical violation. A conflict of interest occurs when a person has a conflict between his private interest and the individual public obligations (Answers, 2009). The Treasury secretary was in the middle of the entire bailout package scandal. When the government allocated $85 million dollar of the bailout money to the American International Group (AIG), Mr. Paulson’s former employer, Goldman Sachs, received millions of dollars in debt collection from AIG as a consequence of the b ailout package deal. Even though Henry Paulson claims he did nothing wrong and that his actions were not unethical in any way because he was simply doing his job as secretary of treasury, many Wall Street experts believed Goldman Sachs received preferential treatment during the entire process. During the AIG bailout package took place Mr. Paulson spoke the CEO of Goldman Sachs over two dozen times (Morgenson & Van Natta, 2009). The amount of phone calls exceeds by a lot the conversations the governmental official had with any other Wall Street executive. Mr. Paulson claimed he received an ethics waiver. To me this waiver seems like a cheap excuse because the treasury secretary’s actions were clearly an ethical violation since his former employer was receiving preferential

Discuss and evaluate the sociological explanations, for the Essay

Discuss and evaluate the sociological explanations, for the differences in UK educational achievement in schools related to gender, ethnicity, social class and the ' hidden curriculum' - Essay Example difference in their levels of intelligence, organizational ability, professional ambitions, encouragement from family to acquire quality education and the resultant upward social mobility of individuals. The 1944 Education Act was milestone legislation for the improvement of student’s academic and personal progress and also for the improvement of social and welfare policies. Frozen milk in winter, free medical examination and transport payment from regional education authority were some of the highlights of the Act. It was a whole child welfare policy similar to the Every Child Matters green paper of 2003. There have been several changes in Britain to ensue the practice of the Act in the following six decades. The United Kingdom is now an expanded community with other European nationalities and a greater requirement for professionals at various levels. The earlier culturally homogenous population in schools is now comprised of many faiths and cultures. Therefore, the realization of the Act is now extensively challenging when compared to the society that prevailed in 1944. The challenges in implementing the Act and measuring the outcomes are basically from the changes in the moral, spiritual, cultural and social progress and personalized learning. The 1944 Education Act demanded LEA’s to offer state funded education for students till the age of fifteen, based on their aptitude, abilities and age. The prilimnary step to substantiate the Act was the provision of adequate schools. Though the Act did not specify the nature of secondary school it gave strong stipulation to increase the number of technical, grammar and secondary schools. But the number of schools were restricted to grammar and secondary schools with a few number of technical schools. The Act was reinterpreted in the 1960’s and a comprehensive education was rapidly expanded with schools like academies and specialist schools. The shift in school designation has catered to the pupil of different

Thursday, October 17, 2019

President Barak Obama and the Health Care Bill Essay

President Barak Obama and the Health Care Bill - Essay Example When it comes to employers, the healthcare bill would excuse some employers. The bill would form independent departments through which start-up businesses can get insurance. However, there have been a lot of current reports criticizing the healthcare recommendation of President Obama. Both the Democrats and Republicans are fearful that it will negatively affect the future generation. The lower- and middle-class feared that being obliged to purchase a healthcare plan will give much pressure on their limited resources, since they will not be qualified to the ‘low income pass’ (Planinz 2009, para 2) of President Obama. Also, conservative health supporters are discouraged that the plan of the president does not involve insurance for a lot of kinds of similar medicine (ibid, para 2). Backers of the healthcare bill of the president say that millions of Americans with no health insurance are now being a burden to the economy of the government (Haddy 2010). As said by National C oalition on Health Care, â€Å"The United States spends nearly $100 billion per year to provide uninsured residents with health services, often for preventable diseases or diseases that physicians could treat more efficiently with earlier diagnosis† (Planinz 2009, para 6). The plan of the president only includes the uninsured. ... Most known is an urgent need for policy. Anyway, going back to the employer-based healthcare insurance, there are lots of findings showing that the purpose of generating profit has a part in creating healthcare expenses (Morman 2010). Insurance companies looking for revenues will try to cover individuals who are not sickly. Employers and doctors will, with no payment rules, try to give the highest amount of service they can give for the maximum price (Kinney 2010). There are lots of facts saying that all individuals involved in healthcare will and do act in response to payer regulations intended to lessen costs. Individual suppliers and providers will act towards appeals to create profits without interests to public policy (Haddy 2010). Regulations are developed to lessen price and use. The fact that is not sufficiently reported is how patients are influenced by the minimization in imaging services (Morman 2010). Questionably doctors had less evidence on which to make health-related choices. The major concern is whether they had adequate evidence. There are lots of facts showing the problematic business techniques of all persons involved in healthcare and that these techniques do a lot to ruin an active market for the goods and services of the healthcare sector. Under no situations should the sector of the economy so greatly supported by the taxes paid by the public be permitted to turn into a ‘cash cow’ (Kinney 2010, 407) for businesspeople who are not capable of giving first-rate goods and services at a cheap price in a highly competitive market. But, all the parties concerned appear to be facing lots of difficulties when it comes to agreeing on what actually should be done. Internet

The Seeking of the Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) Essay

The Seeking of the Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) - Essay Example Consequently, this had resulted in endeavors to make the directors more liable for their strategies and actions. The inclusion of non-executive directors in the board of an organization has an imperative part to play in this context and will be the subject of concern in this study (Stewart, n.d., p.2). The non-executive directors (NEDs) perform multiple functions in an organization. In accordance to the Combined and the UK Codes of Corporate Governance together with the UK Stewardship Code, the NEDs seek to challenge the chairman and the executive directors in the board, offer expertise, knowledge and insight to the board, elevate principles of corporate governance, and guide the board on business strategy (Lewis, 2010, p. 5). The role of the non-executive director The latest financial disaster and the resulting bail-out of many financial organizations have impelled the discussion regarding the position and efficacy of non-executive directors (NEDs) in context of corporate governance . ... Fundamentally, the role of a non-executive director is to offer a resourceful contribution to the organization by presenting objective criticism to the board. The non-executive directors seek to bring in independent opinion on matters associated with strategy, resources and performance of the organization. Additionally, it is also expected that the NEDs would provide their independent verdict on key appointments to be made in the organization as well as its standards of conduct. The non-executive directors are inducted in the board of an organization owing to their wide range of experience, their apt competence and meticulous personal attributes. Furthermore, the NEDs might possess some expert knowledge and understanding that would aid the board by endowing it with helpful insights or key contacts in associated businesses. Nevertheless, the utmost objective of having the non-executive directors in the board is their independence with respect to the organization’s management as well as its involved parties. This implies that the NEDs bring in an extent of impartiality to the board’s discussions and negotiations, and hence play a crucial task of monitoring the management of the organization. According to the Combined Code of Corporate Governance (2008), the board of any business organization should comprise of ample number of autonomous non-executive directors having adequate calibre, so that their opinions carry considerable weight in the discussions of the board during strategy formulation and other important issues. In addition to providing added competence, proficiency and perspective, the introduction of NEDs in an

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

President Barak Obama and the Health Care Bill Essay

President Barak Obama and the Health Care Bill - Essay Example When it comes to employers, the healthcare bill would excuse some employers. The bill would form independent departments through which start-up businesses can get insurance. However, there have been a lot of current reports criticizing the healthcare recommendation of President Obama. Both the Democrats and Republicans are fearful that it will negatively affect the future generation. The lower- and middle-class feared that being obliged to purchase a healthcare plan will give much pressure on their limited resources, since they will not be qualified to the ‘low income pass’ (Planinz 2009, para 2) of President Obama. Also, conservative health supporters are discouraged that the plan of the president does not involve insurance for a lot of kinds of similar medicine (ibid, para 2). Backers of the healthcare bill of the president say that millions of Americans with no health insurance are now being a burden to the economy of the government (Haddy 2010). As said by National C oalition on Health Care, â€Å"The United States spends nearly $100 billion per year to provide uninsured residents with health services, often for preventable diseases or diseases that physicians could treat more efficiently with earlier diagnosis† (Planinz 2009, para 6). The plan of the president only includes the uninsured. ... Most known is an urgent need for policy. Anyway, going back to the employer-based healthcare insurance, there are lots of findings showing that the purpose of generating profit has a part in creating healthcare expenses (Morman 2010). Insurance companies looking for revenues will try to cover individuals who are not sickly. Employers and doctors will, with no payment rules, try to give the highest amount of service they can give for the maximum price (Kinney 2010). There are lots of facts saying that all individuals involved in healthcare will and do act in response to payer regulations intended to lessen costs. Individual suppliers and providers will act towards appeals to create profits without interests to public policy (Haddy 2010). Regulations are developed to lessen price and use. The fact that is not sufficiently reported is how patients are influenced by the minimization in imaging services (Morman 2010). Questionably doctors had less evidence on which to make health-related choices. The major concern is whether they had adequate evidence. There are lots of facts showing the problematic business techniques of all persons involved in healthcare and that these techniques do a lot to ruin an active market for the goods and services of the healthcare sector. Under no situations should the sector of the economy so greatly supported by the taxes paid by the public be permitted to turn into a ‘cash cow’ (Kinney 2010, 407) for businesspeople who are not capable of giving first-rate goods and services at a cheap price in a highly competitive market. But, all the parties concerned appear to be facing lots of difficulties when it comes to agreeing on what actually should be done. Internet

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Marketing DB Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing DB - Coursework Example The reason to move ahead is indeed the atmosphere that one is talking about here. The shopping experience at a retail store becomes more satisfying when the aura and aromas get manifested in the most proper sense. This means that this experience gets better if the aura and aromas are highlighted in a positive fashion – one that suggests immense room for a better retail experience for the end consumer. If the consumers are given a smell that they would like to feel good about, they will definitely visit this retail store (Frazier, 1996). Similarly, if they are welcomed by an activity which is indeed a hallmark of the retail chain, they shall do every effort to be there and thus finish their joyride as well as accomplish their shopping mission. The need is to understand what the consumers want and how they are going to achieve what they have in mind. This suggests that the retail experience needs to be defined and later on re-defined to have a cumulative stance so that the consumers are always at a benefit. The vertical management system is a channel arrangement where one of the channel members might own some of the others and bring upon them its influence which is available in the wake of better power that comes from bargain, contracts and other requirements. The implications and opportunities of this VMS channel arrangement for my company is that it will aim to better the relationships that exist amongst the channel members and allow them to grow beyond the expected returns. This will enable the channel members to bring their best to the fore and give the best price in terms of bargains and so on. Eventually the consumers’ shopping experiences would become better and they will get the best deals and discounts which are available within the related industry. The retail format that is most appropriate for my company since it is CAD and based on a computer is an online model. This will bring immense

Drug and Crime Prevention Essay Example for Free

Drug and Crime Prevention Essay The purpose of the Final Project is for you to demonstrate your understanding of crime prevention programs and the role crime prevention plays in the overall criminal justice system. You may select a crime prevention program that addresses law enforcement, the courts, or corrections; or it may be a comprehensive program that addresses all three. The program may address the adult justice system, juvenile justice systems, or both. For the purposes of this assignment assume, you are preparing a proposal to a city, county, or state governmental body to recommend the implementation of a crime prevention program within their jurisdiction. You need to demonstrate the value of the crime prevention program and its effectiveness in reducing crime thus reducing the overall costs to the jurisdiction or building value that improves the effectiveness of crime prevention to the community justifying the additional expenditures. Your proposal will include: 1. A summary of the jurisdiction (i.e., city, county, or state) and the portion of the criminal justice System your proposal is designed to address. 2. An analysis of the current trends from three comparable cities in population size, utilizing the SARA Model and the Crime Analysis Triangle. (Note: Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps , Steps 7 and 8). You will compare the data from three comparable jurisdictions and compare it to national data. 3. A determination of the appropriate crime prevention strategy for the jurisdiction based on this analysis. 4. A review of academic literature and studies on the various crime prevention programs to address the needs of the community. How does the crime prevention program address social justice issues To download this material Click this link There is no one to clean up after you and cook healthy meals at college. Some indulgences are okay, but still maintain a nutritious diet, get proper sleep, and take care of yourself and your possessions. Take care of yourself well, study appropriately, attend all your classes and follow a regular schedule. You can get ill from being too stressed or not eating healthy enough.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Notions Of Foreignisation And Domestication English Language Essay

The Notions Of Foreignisation And Domestication English Language Essay The domesticating sense-for-sense strategy was the dominant approach in translation until only recently. The 19th century saw a tendency towards the foreign, expressed mainly through the theories put forward by Friedrich Schleiermacher, who stated that the audience was to have the feeling that they are in the presence of the foreign (Fawcett 1997: 116). His views were later 5 revised by Venuti, who regarded foreignisation as a means of combating the dominant, assimilative position of the English-language culture. 1.1 Foreignisation and domestication The terms foreignisation and domestication have been coined by Venuti as means of providing general classification for translation procedures (see 1.3). He defines them in detail in his influential work, titled The Translators Invisibility: A History of Translation (1995). 1.1.1 Definitions According to Ventui (1995: 19-20), a foreignising strategy consists in acquiring a translation method which does not conform to norms and values prevalent within the target language system. Employing such an approach, which preserves linguistic and cultural differences between the two systems, requires a translation style designed to make the intervention of the translator visible (Munday 2001: 147), resulting in a non-fluent, alienating TT (Baker 1998: 243). This effect is usually achieved through close reconstruction of the ST structure and syntax in the TT and importation of foreign cultural forms. Domesticating translation strategy, as a contrast, entails an appropriation, or reduction (Venuti 1995: 20), of the foreign text into target-language conventions and makes use of stylistic devices, which provide for a transparent and fluent reading, minimizing the foreigness of the TT (Munday 2001: 146). Domestication is also said to involve selecting texts which adhere to domestic literary canons, resulting in a conservative and openly assimilationist approach to the foreign text (Baker 1998: 242), which is to serve domestic publishing trends and political alignments. 1.1.2 Brief history Domestication strategies were in common use since ancient Rome, chiefly as means of conquering the SL (Baker 1998: 241). Latin translators not only deleted culturally specific markers, but also added allusions to Roman culture and deleted resistant passages (KwieciÅ„ski 2001: 17), that is to say, lexical elements which required a great deal of study since they could easily by misinterpreted. The largest step for the formulation of domesticating translation theory is considered to be made by St. Jerome, the author of Vulgate Latin translation of the Bible commissioned in 384 CE. Following remarks offered earlier by Cicero, he identified the notion of word-for-word translation, a foreignising strategy, and opposed it with a domesticating alternative, a sense-for-sense strategy, as the correct method to render SL text, thus introducing an important distinction, which shed new light on the study of foreignisation and domestication. The use of exoticisms in translation was advocated by Augustine, due to concerns about the reaction of the Christian community to the unfamiliar features of Jeromes Latin text of the Bible. He does, however, oppose the use of Greek calques should these be incompatible with Latin or resistant. Bible translation became a key issue, around which different approaches to translation surfaced (Bassnett 1991: 47). The domesticating strategy was employed in the Wycliffite Bible translation, where the sense-for-sense strategy aimed at rending the text in a common language so that the Holy Scripture be accessible to a layman, and not loosing scholarly accuracy at the same time. Renaissance largely contributed to the development of the domesticating theory. The use of contemporary idiom and style was much advocated; in his Circular Letter of Translation (1530), Martin Luter emphasised the necessity to rely on the common language (KwieciÅ„ski 2001: 24). He recognised that exoticisms in certain cases cannot and should not be avoided, provided that the translator uses them after careful historical and philological study. The 17th century translation style pushed domestication beyond earlier limits. Abraham Cowleys comments in his Preface to his Pindarique Odes (1656), in which he states that he has taken, left out and added what I please (Bassnett 1991: 56) while translating, are highly symptomatic of the general atmosphere affected by the Counter-Reformation movement. The first systematic approach to the issue of translation strategies was offered in 1791 by A.F. Tyler in his Essay on the Principles of Translation. In it he points to three laws which should govern translation in general: a) the rendering is to be carried out sense-for-sense; b) style and register are to remain invariant; c) the translation should have all the ease of the original composition (KwieciÅ„ski 2001: 35). The 19th century saw a turn towards the foreign in thinking on translation. This new tendency, visible in the works of Shelly and Goethe, claimed translation to be a mechanical function, which consists merely of making known a given text or author to the reader (Bassnett 1991: 66). This approach is conveyed in the theories offered by Friedrick Schleiermacher in his lecture ÃÅ"ber die verschiedenen Methoden des ÃÅ"bersetzens (1813). The document deals with two opposite concepts, the foreginising reader-to-author strategy and the domesticating author-to-reader strategy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ with no in-between area (KwieciÅ„ski 2001: 39). The former option was favoured, through the use of which consciously archaic translations were produced, aimed at a minority of learned readers. Indeed, the audience was to have the feeling that they are in the presence of the foreign (Fawcett 1997: 116). 1.1.3 Domestication in theories by Eugene Nida A significant shift in translation theory was brought forth by the influential theories of Eugene Nida, who addressed the issue of translation correspondence through the viewpoint of the receptor of the text. It is suggested that audience design has profound impact on the shape of the target text, and therefore different translations will be correct for different readerships (Fawcett 1997: 56). Thus, meaning is to have precedence before style, the TT aiming at being an equivalent of ST rather than its identical representation. This return to Augustinian principles of sense-for-sense translations is exemplified by Nidas formulation of notions of formal and dynamic equivalence. The latter, domesticating strategy was seen as privileged since it aimed at complete naturalness of expression and finding the closest natural equivalent to the SL message (Nida 1964: 159). Dynamic equivalence acknowledged situations where foreign associations can hardly be avoided, in which case the use of importation combined with intratextual covert glosses was suggested as the proper way of approaching the foreign. Translations in the formal equivalence manner on the other hand, were regarded as cases where semantic accuracy is given priority over naturalness (KwieciÅ„ski 2001: 50). Such renderings were seen as acceptable and for certain types of audiences (the aforementioned accuracy is of great importance in legal texts, for instance). 10 Though Nidas model has been challenged by some theorists, particularly for its departure from the notion of translation as exchange of information towards appropriation of a foreign text for domestic purposes (KwieciÅ„ski 2001: 50), the idea of function of a given text with respect to its readership was indeed influential for contemporary theories.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Schoolmaster in Albert Camuss The Guest Essay example -- The Gues

In Albert Camus's "The Guest," an idealistic schoolmaster, Daru, is forced to make many unsettling decisions when ordered to deliver an Arab prisoner to higher authorities in Tinguit. From the beginning, after the prisoner is transferred into his custody, Daru chooses to treat him as a guest rather than a prisoner. Also, Daru decides not to cast judgment on the Arab for the crime of killing his cousin. Lastly, Daru chooses not to play God and assume the awesome responsibility of deciding another man's fate. Thus, when Daru is faced with a series of confusing and complicated situations he chooses to be himself and make his own decisions rather than be influenced by others. The mere thought of keeping a prisoner in one's home is quite troubling, but when Daru is forced to keep the Arab as his "guest," he is compelled to act as a good host. From the beginning, Daru demonstrates compassion, sensitivity, and humanely acts in many different ways. Daru insists that the prisoner should be untied. "Once his hands were free... he held out a glass of tea." Daru also feeds, cooks for, a...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Pelican Brief Essay -- English Literature Law Court System Essays

The Pelican Brief 1Â º Summary Two Supreme Court Judges has been murdered. Darby Shaw, a law student, wrote a brief (The Pelican Brief) about the linking between the two murders and Vitor Mattience, the owner of an oil company which wants to build a factory in the Louisiana's Marshlands and also a close fiend of the United States' President. Shaw gave the brief to his teacher (and boyfriend) Thomas Callaham who gave it to a FBI lawyer friend of him. Several days after Callaham is murdered by a bomb-car. Shaw get scared because the bomb was thought to kill her too and run away from New Orleans. Meanwhile Gary Graham, a Washington Post journalist, knew about the Pelican Brief from a lawyer, who used the nickname of Garcia, and wrote an article about it. Shaw read Graham's article and called him. While Shaw travelled among all the East Coast of USA running away from killers she phoned several times to Graham. Finally they met in New York City. Both, Shaw and Graham wanted to publish the Pelican Brief but first they needed to affirm the information of the brief with another source. And this source could be Garcia so they began a search all over Washington with only a photo of him and a few details of his private life. Finally after quite a lot of time they found Garcia's widow. He were killed few weeks ago in strange circumstances. Luckily he left in a safe box an affidavit and a video which confirmed the information of the brief. While the Washington Post published the story, starting the biggest crisis in the United States since Watergate, Shaw and Graham flew to the Virgin Islands. 2Â º Description of the main character of the book: Darby Shaw. Darby Shaw is a smart law student at Tulane Uni... ...el, and this will take another three or four months." Chapter thirty. P 255 Bankruptcy: The estate of a person who had been adjudged by a court to be insolvent. "Yeah, I worked in the bankruptcy section on the eight floor, and oil and gas covers half of eight and all of nine." Chapter thirty-six. P 332 & 333. Lawsuit: court case brought by one person or group against another. "Tell Jackson Feldman the lawsuit will be filed at nine in the morning, just as soon as the courthouse opens." Chapter forty-two. P 392. Affidavit: A sworn written statement used mainly for supporting applications and as evidence in court proceedings. The person who makes it must swear that the contents are true before a person authorised to take oaths. "It was a four-page affidavit, typed real neat and sworn to under oath before a notary public". Chapter Forty. P. 367.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Females and males had equal but complementary roles in traditional Aboriginal life Essay

The purpose of this report is to show that women and men shared many roles in Traditional Australian Aboriginal life. It is acknowledged that men and women were given equal and complementary roles when it came to ceremonies, hunting and gathering, raising and initiating the children, building shelter and throughout the leadership hierarchy. This is proved through evidence collected and presented in the following paragraphs. The roles of both men and women were important and neither was thought to be as more significant than the other. While men had certain roles and women had other roles, they complemented each other which made day to day life easier and more bearable for the group. There were many different types of ceremonies performed by the Australian Aboriginals. Some ceremonies performed were initiation ceremonies, funeral ceremonies, cleansing ceremonies and ceremonies to great other tribes or groups of Australian aboriginals onto their land. During initiation ceremonies, young boys and girls begin the journey to become a man or woman. They are often taken away from the group and left in the bush to be shown and taught by the elders. The elders will pass on the laws relating to their country, spiritual belief and the role and obligations they have within the tribe. [1] This ceremony is performed by both men and women and each role they play complements the other. While men look after the young boys and women look after the young girls, without their roles complementing each other, neither group would be able to co-exist. In funeral ceremonies, both men and women elders would smoke out a house where a person may have died. This is to rid their community of the potential of the deceased’s bad spirits coming back. They also find the last place the deceased person was and smoke it for the same reason. [2] During this ceremony, they would often cut open their own flesh to show their pain and sorrow because one of them had passed. They sung and danced to ensure the deceased’s spirit had left to return to its birth place where it was to be reborn into the world. [3]Without both the men and women complementing each other throughout this ceremony, they would not be able to be performed. Aboriginal people believe that when a person dies, their spirit goes back to the Dreaming Ancestors in the land. This is only possible if certain ceremonies and rituals are performed. They used dances and special songs in times of death or mourning periods. It is also thought that when a person dies they are one with the land again, so often, the aboriginal group will vacate the area that a group member died. It is unsure whether this is out of respect or out of fear that the spirit will return and haunt them. They will return to the place sometime within a year and bury the bones of their dead group member. All other ceremonies that are performed by the Australian Aboriginals were able to be performed by both male and female members of the group. Some also include other groups or tribes. It is known that the Australian Aboriginals were avid hunters. They had a very deep knowledge of their land and believe they were born of it. They also had great knowledge of water sources and seasonal changes which affect the type of food readily available to them. They were knowledgeable about certain foods which were poisonous to them and knew when and how to avoid them should they ever come across these foods. Both males and females made different but complementary contributions when it came to hunting and gathering. The roles of both men and women were complementary in that they worked together to gather food to prepare a meal. Women gathered things such as vegetables, eggs, honey, roots, fruit, and small reptiles such as snakes and goannas. Mostly, the men hunted larger animals such as emus and kangaroos as well as birds. [4] The preparing of such foods was done by both the men and women. It is believed that women were the main carers of young children in traditional Australian Aboriginal society. However, during initiation, the men took over the role of caring for the young boy so they could be taught the laws of the land. When a young boy was roughly six years of age, he would go and join the male adults to learn about hunting and food gathering while the young girls would remain with the women to learn about different things such as child bearing, child rearing and food gathering [5] Because of a combination of nomadic lifestyle and the regions sunny climate, aboriginal people believed there was no need to build shelters or dwellings. The shelter that was used in permanent camps consisted in a frame made from saplings, or straight branches, covered with materials that were available locally such as leafy branches or sheets of bark. In some areas the covering of the shelter was sheets of soft paperbark, which were pulled down from trees. In other areas they used bushes and leafy branches instead because the bark was not available. Australia has such a mild climate, most of the time, they would sleep in the open, and warmth was often provided by a fire or two. They would sometimes be accompanied by a dingo or camp dog, which would also provide warmth to the man or women who it slept beside. During the wetter and colder seasons, they sometimes used closed dome-shaped shelters which were made with a frame of different sized sticks bent over, which joined in the middle to make the dome shape. They were not very big, standing between one and two metres tall. The frame for these was covered with whatever materials that could be found locally such as sheets of bark, layers of soft grass and leaves. [6] Both men and women would collect and assemble the shelters used as well as the campfire. Sometimes they had daytime fires which needed protection from the wind, so they used bushes and branches as a windbreak. Women would gather the leafy branches and bark that is needed to make the roof while the men would gather the saplings and/or the straight branches used to make the frame. Another form of shelter used when available was small or shallow caves that were often hidden behind rocks or bushes. These provided natural shelter for the nomadic Australian Aboriginals. [7] Both men and women had various roles when it comes to leadership in the Aboriginal culture. Both genders would contribute in leading ceremonies, tribal or group meetings and hunting parties. Although it is often shown that men have the main role of being an elder, women also were elders. Elders were leaders of the group who shared knowledge of the laws surrounding the land and how each member of the group intertwines with another. Elders are valuable members of each aboriginal tribe or group as they bring the wealth of knowledge and pass it down generation to generation. While male elders bring knowledge of hunting bigger animals, laws of the land and initiation, female elders bring knowledge of child irth, food gathering and child rearing. The knowledge used by both male and female members of the group helps them to become one with the land. In conclusion, in Traditional Australian Aboriginal life men and women were proven to share roles and complement each other through various ways. Through raising children, hunting and gathering, ceremonies and in leadership they comple ment each others roles so that the tribe or group can exist harmoniously. While men seem to have the main role throughout the Australian Aboriginal culture, it has now been proven that without the complementary role of women, the group would not continue to coexist.