Friday, February 28, 2020

Treatment of women in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism Essay

Treatment of women in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism - Essay Example In regards to veiling, they had to double their veil prior to leaving their houses. Reviewing the first Creation story (Genesis 1:27) the description of GOD is that of creating both man and women concurrently: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." The usual manner this was interpreted was the insinuation of equality between the two .Reviewing the second creation story , (Genesis 2:7)All men were formed only by God : "...the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. God realized there was the need of a collaborator (Genesis 2:18), thus then God marched all of the flora and fauna past Adam (Genesis 2:19-20) looking for an appropriate creature. One of those, God found appropriate, Eve was then created by God out of the ribs of Adam. . The term "collaborator" has traditionally been interpreted as implying a mediocre role for Eve, although some modern interpreters believe that the word can mean a companion of equal status. "...the Hebrew word translated "helper" is used twenty-one times in the Old Testament: twenty of these cases refer to help from a superior." (3) In Genesis 2:27, Adam later asserts his authority over Eve by naming her: "...she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. "these were the ancient times in which it was believed that one individual could exercise authority over the other by mere naming it.' (Robinson, 1) 'WOMEN IN THE NEW TESTAMENT'S EPISTLES There are four gospels in total in the New Testament of the Christian scriptures. - The other 45 or so were the Gospels that never became part of the official catalog - which dealt first and foremost with the life and living of Jesus. There were hundreds of letters remaining which were eventually in circulation at the time of the early Christian movement. These letters were basically meant to deal with the development of Christianity after the death sentence of the Christ. In particular some of the letters written by Paul were the ones that made it to the New Testament .The concluding epistles enclosed two commonly elite practices: First was the promotion of the message of Christ, which was revolutionary. These contained the vitality of the issues of treating men, women prostitutes and tax collectors equally. Second was the rejection of Christ's message. They further contained restrictions and limitations upon the roles of women. The women were restored to their previous inferior status, just as in the Old Testament (the Hebrew Scriptures). Biblical references promoting gender equality: John 1:12: All populace, men and women, have the chance to become the offspring of God - in all probability without consideration of their gender, race, sexual orientation,

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Developing an evaluation plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Developing an evaluation plan - Essay Example The survey will be done on the nurses before and after the initiation of the change as indicated; their perceptions and attitudes will be particularly studied. The perceptions and the attitudes of the patients will be also be surveyed. Another method that will be used to evaluate the plan is to compare the probability of cardiovascular risk among individuals who exercise and those who do not based on their age and gender. Variables to be used include staff perceptions and attitudes, and patient perceptions and attitudes. The tools that will be used to educate the project participants and assess the project outcomes include questionnaires, PowerPoint slides, surveys, teaching materials, posters, activity log and handouts. Survey uses a collection of predetermined questions concerning particular topics (in this case, exercise and the risk of cardiovascular disease) that the target audience answers. Activity log utilizes staff report of daily activities (Zarinpoush, 2006). Survey as an evaluation tool will especially be used for its ease of use and capacity to evaluate people’s attitudes toward the proposed propject. The survey will particularly be used to evaluate nurses and patients attitudes toward the proposed project. ... Based on the results, the necessary changes will be instituted. Disseminating Evidence Effective dissemination can be described as a way in which the recipients are engaged in a process such as one which requires increased awareness, commitment, action, and understanding. The most common ways of disseminating evidence include websites, direct mail, and newsletters. In this case, the evidence will be disseminated using methods such as websites, newsletters, reports, e-mail, workshops, briefings, and conferences. A briefing can permit the implementation plan manager to summarize the project’s work and update the stakeholders of its progress. The website permits easy access to the information concerning the project and can be easily updated. However, it is important that the target audience be informed of the presence of the project on the website so that they can gain interest to visit the site. Once the site has been accessed by the stakeholders, it is important to ensure that they constantly visit the site for more information (Harmsworth and Turpin, 2000). Conferences can disseminate the evidence very well but they can be time-consuming and costly if they are not planned well. Thus, it is important to plan early in advance for the conference. Unlike conferences, workshops usually target smaller groups of participants and they entail a higher or active level of engagement with the target audience (Harmsworth and Turpin, 2000). In a nutshell, dissemination of the evidence will be done using conferences, workshops, reports, emails, newsletters, briefings and websites. It is important to mention that the target audience (nurses and other stakeholders)